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TWs: Colliding/Past death and intrusive thoughts. Stay safe :)

The Sun peered at his planets, chuckling, "Are you guys moths? Cause you seem to be attracted to me recently!"

The planets glanced at each other.

"That was probably your worst one yet..." Mercury muttered.

"What's a moth?" Neptune raised an eyebrow as he stuck his tongue out.

Jupiter sighed, looking at the Star with a serious expression, "We need to talk."

The Sun, for once, didn't respond with a joke or a threat. Instead, he frowned, "You mean...?"

"Yes." The Gas Giant nodded.

The Sun hummed, his gaze turning to peer at the blue rocky planet further away from the others, "Earth."

"Yes, Mr. Sun?" The planet replied, backing away as he felt all eyes on him.

"Are you ready to hear the whole truth- the full truth about how you came to be?" The Sun questioned, his eyes penetrating the Earth's core, making the latter shiver.

Earth opened his mouth, his eyes looking anywhere except the planets.

This was his chance to find out what happened to Theia. This was his chance to find out how he got his life!

'But what if it's too much to bear?'

Earth froze, thinking deeper about it.

'What if you can't handle the truth?'

Earth frowned, shaking his sphere roughly, 'I can handle anything as long as I have them by my side.'

He looked up at his best friends, Luna, Mars, Venus, and Mercury. They were helping him be a better planet, not only to others but to himself as well.

Earth nodded, facing towards the Sun, "Tell me."

» Over 4.5 Billion Years Ago «

Mostly everyone knows how the Solar System came into existence. The whole Big Bang- and bam!- now a giant Star is floating amid space.

There were all these rocks and asteroids that formed to make planets as well as their moons. Jupiter was the first to appear, then Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Theia, Mercury, Venus, and Earth. One or more planets may have formed alongside the Ice Giants and were later ejected, but we can't say for sure.

Earth was the loneliest planet. He didn't talk to anything, and he preferred it that way. He was also easily jealous, jealous of the life that Venus and Mars once had. He felt awful when they both lost everything, yet he couldn't help but feel satisfied. It made him feel ashamed.

Theia was also lonely, despite talking to everyone she could. She was lonely in the way that nobody seemed to care, or everyone seemed to ignore that she was there. She was the same size as Mars, yet he made friends more easily. It wasn't fair.

It happened exactly 4.5 Billion years ago...

"Go bother someone else, Theia!" Venus yelled.

Theia backed away, her eyes wide, "O-Okay, fine..."

The sepia planet floated away, silently pouting, 'Why doesn't anyone like me...?'

Theia stopped, her eyes peering around to find something else to do when suddenly her gaze landed on a molten planet.

'Proto-Earth... we've only talked a few times. He always looks busy when I want to talk to him.' Theia thought as she saw him playing with two small rocks, pushing and pulling them with his gravity, 'He doesn't look busy now, perhaps I can talk to him!'

She drifted to him, smiling, "Hey, you're Proto-Earth, right?"

From that moment on, they became best friends. Everyone seemed to notice how happy the duo were together, rarely seeing them apart.

They were never alone if they had each other.

Proto-Earth was elated. He had found someone he liked, possibly loved- he hadn't felt an emotion like it before.

And Theia reciprocated his feelings.

They were best friends for over thirty million years and lovers for fifteen.

Most importantly, they were happy.


It had been an accident.

Venus shoved Theia into Proto-Earth's zone. Luckily, the planet moved out of the way in time before checking on her.

The two planets had moved closer, enough to feel each other's gravity.

Jupiter and Venus were nearby when it happened. The Gas Giant was making his way back to his spot while Venus was yelling at Mercury for getting too close to him.

Jupiter shifted asteroids out of his way. Venus latched onto an asteroid, throwing it at the smaller planet. Unbeknownst to everyone, it caused a change in the atmosphere.

Screams caused them, as well as everyone else, to freeze. They turned to the source, horrified by what they saw.


Theia was destroyed in the impact, the pieces of her celestial body splitting apart and going everywhere. However, by some miracle, Earth was still alive.

It took millions of years for him to heal, his surface gaining nutrients such as trees and water, and even accumulating a moon who slept soundly by his side. Everyone was overjoyed when he eventually woke up.

After everyone greeted him, the now lively planet looked confused, uttering, "Do I know you...?"

He had forgotten everything.

» × «

"And that brings us up to, well, now..." The Sun finished.

Earth's eyes were as wide as saucers as he took in the accounts of Jupiter and the Sun. Beside him, Luna's mouth was open, yet nothing came out.

"Theia was-" Earth sharply inhaled, looking down into the void as his eyes started to water, "I- need to be alone."

The blue rocky planet pushed away from the others, moving quickly through the atmosphere.

"E-Earth...!" Luna yelled, following after his parent planet.

Saturn glanced at Jupiter, giving him a reassuring smile, "They'll be alright, dear."

"I sure hope so..." Jupiter sighed.

» NOTE «

Another short chapter-

Comments are appreciated <3

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