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TWs: Near frostbite, Earth doesn't understand feelings, intrusive thoughts, self-deprecation, assumptions/slight arguing. Stay safe :)

Tears fell from the blue rocky planet's eyes as he drifted through the outer rings. He slipped past Saturn, who seemed distracted with something else and headed for the Kuiper belt.

"Hey, stop right there!" A voice yelled.

The Earth stopped, turning around and seeing a blue planet bounding towards him. He sighed, "Oh, hey, Neptune."

"Hello, Earth!" Neptune smiled, blinking his eyes one at a time, "What brings you here?"

"I'm..." Earth averted his gaze towards the asteroid belt, "Nothing, I just needed to get away."

Neptune frowned before his eyes lit up, "Hey, you can stay with me and Uranus for now!"


"Of course! The more, the merrier, as I always say." Neptune started to twirl away, "Follow me~"

» × «

'It's still not right.' Uranus grunted, looking at the colorful paints on the canvas, 'I can never encapsulate him.'

"Hey, Uranus! I'm back~"

Uranus looked up, a small smile rising as he saw his cousin, Neptune.

Then he felt his core drop as he saw who he was with.

The desaturated planet fumbled with the canvas in his gravity before deciding to toss it away, watching it slowly drift out into the deep of space.

"Neptune! Welcome back..." Uranus forced a smile, "I see you've brought a guest."

"Huh-? Oh, yeah! You know the Earth, right? I thought you wouldn't mind if I brought him here."

"Of course, I don't mind," Uranus spoke, his eyes solely on the lively planet.

"We don't talk often, if ever." Earth spoke, "It's nice to officially meet you guys."

"Same, same..."

"We love meeting new planets!" Neptune exclaimed, rolling around in the gravity.

The Earth laughed as he watched the blue planet mess around. The fun was short-lived as the habitable planet shivered.

"You should go," Uranus uttered to him.

Earth shook his head, "I'm fine- my earthlings can handle a little cold."

"A little?" Uranus raised an eyebrow, "You do realize I'm negative 224 degrees Celsius, right? The coldest temperature ever measured in the solar system?"

"Isn't Neptune further away, though?"

"Isn't Mercury closer to the Sun, yet Venus is the hottest planet?"

"Fair point..."

Neptune hummed to himself as he drifted away from the two. His hum trailed off as he saw one of Uranus' canvases. He floated towards it, taking it into his gravity.

"What's this...?" He muttered, "Oh, this looks like the Earth in his human form...? Maybe a present?"

Uranus noticed the first bit of frost forming on the Earth's surface. He frowned, "Listen, mate, we need to get you back to your zone before you start freezing."

Earth sighed, "Fine. I don't want to end up in the same position when I was in Mars' orbit."

The blue rocky planet turned to look at the vast space that was the middle rings of the solar system, silently contemplating as he gazed at the light of the Sun.

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