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TWs: Intrusive thoughts, slight jealousy, brief yelling, mentions of dreams/nightmares. Stay safe :)

"You would want to go for a regular card, not any special ones." Earth said, "And never, ever, draw this one first unless you're asking to lose."

"I know what I'm doing Earth. I've watched you and Mars play a million times." Luna drawled.

"Just making sure." Earth backed away, watching as Mars made the first move. His eye twitched when Luna gravitated the wrong card up.

"Eeehhhh..." He made a small noise in distaste.

Luna huffed, placing the card back in his gravity. He sifted through the other ones, pulling another out.

Earth cleared his throat, uttering under his breath, "Not that one..."

"Earth, please." Luna looked at him, "I don't interrupt your card games, the least you could do is not interrupt my first one."

"Right, I'll just- leave you to it." Earth shifted back, watching from afar. Phobos and Deimos decided to join him, talking amongst themselves.

Minutes went by as their game was running thin, Mars and Luna eyeing each other down as they planned their next move.

Earth watched intensively, shifting forward in anticipation. His eyes widened as he noticed the smirk rising on Mars' face.

"All in!" He called, placing his cards down.

Luna threw his cards up, "Aw, come on!"

The desert planet chuckled at the pouting moon, trying to console him as best he could.

Earth raised an eyebrow, finding a familiarity in the scene before him.

"Aw, come on, Proto~ it's just a game; it's not that serious!" Her whimsical laugh echoed in his mind.

"Easy for you to say- you always win!" A voice responded.

Earth turned away, his core aching deep within his crust, 'Theia...'

"Find it in your heart... to move on." He found himself thinking back to his dream.

'Move on...?' He frowned, 'How can I when you're not here?'

The fragments of the memories he had learned over the week were haunting his mind, causing him to lose focus on things he enjoyed doing. He was more tired and distant, he felt trapped within his own head- he longed to talk to someone about what he was going through, but they were all liars, who could he trust?

His eyes shifted to a particular grey moon who was sifting through a deck of cards with Mars.

'There's always Luna...' He thought.

'Are you positive you can trust a moon to not blab to the other planets...?'

'He wouldn't.' Earth furrowed his eyebrows.

'You never know... I would be careful about who to trust.'

Earth huffed.

"Hey, Earth!" A voice called.

The rocky planet in question turned around, spotting Saturn and Jupiter by the asteroid belt.

"Oh, hey, Saturn. Jupiter." Earth glared at the bigger planet, "What brings you over to the rocky planet side?"

Saturn glanced at Jupiter, who stayed quiet. The planet with rings cleared his throat, shoving Jupiter forward with his gravity, "Well, Jupiter... isn't there something you wanted to say?"

"Yes, listen, Earth-" Jupiter got cut off.

"Heyyyy, everyone~ are we having a party or something?" Neptune bounded over the asteroid belt, blinking one eye at a time.

"Neptune? What are you doing here?" Earth questioned.

"That's a good quest... oh! Now I remember!" He held something in his gravity, pushing it toward Earth, "Uranus painted you something!"

"He did?" Earth perked up, taking the canvas.

"He did?" Mars peered over Earth's sphere to get a closer look.

"Huh, this is..." Earth smiled a bit, "Really good. I never knew he was such a good artist."

Mars frowned, feeling a strange emotion bubbling up in his core. Uranus had managed to capture Earth's natural beauty while in his human form.

"Can I talk now?" Jupiter spoke.

"Oh, right-" Earth went back to frowning, "What were you saying?"

"I was going to ap-"

"Neptune! There you are, mate!" This time, Uranus came bounding through the asteroid belt, "I've been looking for you everywhere, why are you over here?"

"Why are you over here, cousin?" Neptune squinted his eyes.

"...Because I've been looking for you, Neptune." Uranus spoke through gritted teeth, "You had me worried, mate."

"Oh, yeah! Sorry about that-"

"Can I please talk!?" Jupiter nearly snapped, prompting Uranus and Neptune to look at him in shock as they slowly backed away.

"Calm down, dearest." Saturn whispered to him, "We don't want a repeat of what happened to them..."

"Right, I know." Jupiter took a deep breath before turning to face the Earth, "Let's talk to the Sun."

"Why the Sun?" Luna questioned.

"He knows more than I do."

» NOTE «

A shorter chapter...

Comments are appreciated <3

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