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TWs: Minor Threats (from the Sun), keeping secrets, dissociation, slight anxiousness. Stay safe :)

As the Sun was talking- something about their orbits and how he hoped everyone learned their lesson from last time as he would hate to throw flares at planets who misbehave- the Earth couldn't help but daze into a world of his own.

He couldn't help but think of that planet; Theia. Why was she plaguing his dreams like a raven of death?

He raised a watery hand to his head, deep in thought.

"Hey, look," He heard Venus faintly whisper, "I haven't seen the Earth look that focused in a few million years."

"I can hear you, y'know." Earth snapped his head up, turning his sphere a full 180 to look at him.

"Hey, are you even paying attention!?" The Sun yelled over them.

"Not really." Earth spoke, "What were you saying?"

The Sun's eye twitched, "As I was saying, it's best to stay in your orbits else you end up like... him."

"Who?" Mars raised an eyebrow.

The Sun's eyes glanced over to Jupiter and Saturn, who looked terrified before he laughed it off and grinned, "Nothing, nothing! Let's carry on with something else of importance."

"There's more?" Saturn uttered to Jupiter, who shrugged.

"These meetings are usually short, so I'm surprised." The bigger one responded.

"If you'll let me continue." The Sun blazed, "As most of you know, there was an incident a few... Earth weeks ago."

"What incident?"

"Oh my, what happened?"

"What's an Earth?"

Everyone looked at Neptune with a deadpan expression. The planet in question didn't take it personally as he knew of the Ice Giant's loss of sanity over the years.

"Seriously, mate?" Uranus looked at him questionably. Neptune blinked one eye and then the other, humming a small tune.

"Anyway-! What else was I going to say...? Oh, yeah! Saturn, Jupiter!" The Sun gave the two Gas Giants an intense stare, "Monitor those moons of yours! It's come to my attention that they can be very... shifty."

"What do you mean by that?" Jupiter questioned.

"Yeah! If anything, Jupiter's moons have been causing the most trouble." Saturn spoke.

"I highly doubt that-" Jupiter turned to Saturn, continuing to explain why his A-Team couldn't possibly be deceitful.

"Should we tell them...?" Luna whispered to the rocky planets.

"Nah, they'll figure it out." Venus waved it off, crossing his arms.

"Eventually." Mars huffed.

Earth frowned. He hasn't heard or seen from Ganymede or Europa since the Moon Revolution. He supposed it was a good thing they weren't wandering off, yet he couldn't help but feel worried about it.

"Hey, you okay?" He heard Mars whisper to him.

"Hm? Oh, yeah! I'm great, never been better!" Earth pulled his signature smile. Mars looked at him for a moment more, seemingly analyzing his core. The blue and green celestial body felt himself sweating through his facade as the other eventually looked away, making him inwardly sigh as he relaxed his shoulders.

"I remember now!" Neptune's voice cut through the yelling of the Gas Giants and the stressful mediating of the Sun and Mercury.

"Uh, care to share what you remember, mate...?" Uranus looked at his friend with a raised brow.

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