TBD Troubles (OOAK AU)

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The Sun beat the island in an early heat haze, making all feel a dazzle. Trees that once swayed naked now stood tall, adorning several hundreds of green leaves. The once fierce winds of winters had subsidized over spring, as Bees & Butterflies swafted and swayed over flowered fields of reds, blues, yellows, and whites. An aroma of grass and pine sifted into the noses of anyone who happened to be out at such an hour. 

Goo hummed to himself, his blue sticky goo smeared around the area which he had nestled. The air hummed with the sound of insects as they flitted around the sweet berry bushes, while he rearranged his numerous pine cones scattered about. The prickly but smooth wooden feeling was soothing as he made soft purrs, completely relaxed and stress-free, relishing the warm Sun on his face. An over-looming shadow obscured the rays as he grumbled. Mechanical legs sprang with a skree sound as he found himself face to face with a smiling, very tall Bow.

"AAAAH!!!!" He yelped, pines scattering across the grass as he leapt back, the ground slightly sticking him in place. His face melded in panic and shock as he slowly adjusted, registering Bow, standing on legs which seemed abnormally taller. "B....Bow? What kind of rack torture were you put through!?" he mambled, unsure of what he was witnessing. They proceeded to whizz down to his level, the legs shortening till they were barely stumps out of her circular, pink body. She pulled out a sketch pad and a small Pen, upon which she scribbled words in her, rather neat and curly handwriting.

"No torture, just these new robotic legs I got!!!

Also like, yeah. I'm a robot now. Pretty cool, huh!!?" the words read as she beamed at him, glee in her smile. The sun's rays beat through the bush, casting his scattered pines in a soft glow. Yet he made not an advance for them as he returned an even more cheery and excited smile. "Wow really? Since when!?" he said, audibly yelping with a slight glee as his goo rolled and waved in pockets from excitement.

Once more, she hastily scrawled a message and slid another note across to him. The handwriting was elegant, despite the speed with which it must have been written. "Yeah, Test Tube and Fan like, built me before this season.

Aslo she gave me new legs to get up HIGH!!!".

She took the note back hurriedly, correcting her typo and adding a new line. "Plus, she let me choose a new voice, which is why I can't speak.".

"Oh my pine cone, I can't wait to hear your new voice!!!" he said, as they heard they twirled, one of their legs taller than the other and shrinking as they spun. Yet, in their flaunting display of flattering fandango, they tumbled, catching themselves with the whirr of their other leg extending in a somewhat accidentally amazing finisher for her routine.

"Well uhhh.....Bow that's like, the best thing I ever-" Goo started, only to be passed another piece of paper. "Huh?" he audibly grunted at the bark starch in his face as he read the words.

"Oh yeah, I'm not Bow. So.....TBD I guess? :)".

"OMPC, TBD!? Such an awesome name!!!" he yammed, bobbing up and down in slight joy. "I love it!!!" he added, the blue surface of his Goo shimmering a slightly dull light green, as he hustled his face around in murmurous happiness. His gooey form shaped into a large hand as he found another note, his friend still happy, yet remaining a calmer face. 

"TBD just means, To Be Determined, Goo!" It read as they gave a sincere smile, her eyes fluttering. The traces of purple bandages were faintly visible on her pink shell, through the still slightly ruffled spots of hair, but he was too caught up in his joy to pay them any mind. His body morphed into all sorts of shapes as he purred and mambled in excitement. She used her hands to sign one of the few phrases they had learned some time ago.: "I'll see you around, friend". Bow Bot's hands moved slow, so as to get the message clearly across without messing it up.

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