An Elimination Disaster (OOAK AU)

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(Plot: Test Tube was working well with Cabby. However, something has gone wrong.).

"I hope you Pinkers have faith in your teammates." Mephone said, beckoning to the large Red fist. "Cuz one of YOU will be gone. Let's see which Pinker is gonna Sink behind the competition.".

Test Tube and Cabby fist bumped, knowing they most certainly secure. Test Tube had worked hard, using the files to get everyone to vote out Silver with her and Cabby. Yet Silver seemed calm. Unusually calm.

"First vote: Cabby.".

'Of course it is.' Test Tube thought to herself, knowing their team's target would try vote Cabby.

"Silver Spoon. That's one vote Cabby, one vote Silver.".

Silver seemed to be in an almost calm state of mind. It was unnerving how much he was smiling.

"Test Tube.".

Test Tube and Cabby both gasped, looking at each other, hoping the other hadn't betrayed their alliance.


Sweat dripped down Test Tube's face. Silver's expression was one of manic joy. his eyes gleamed with malice and disgust. Paintbrush's expression darkened as their eyes darted in Cabby's direction. 

"Silver Spoon. That's 2 votes Cabby, 2 votes Silver, one vote Test Tube. One vote left.".

Test Tube was sweating profusely. Cabby's heart was thumping in her chest as they noticed their teammates looking at them with....distrust? Or was that a glint of people who seemed to feel they were betrayed?

"And the 7th contestant eliminated from Inanimate Insanity Invitational is..."


Test Tube smiled as she watched Balloon and Paintbrush walk away. With all 4 votes, Silver would for sure be eliminated. However her mind was plagued on whether she should fulfil Fan's wish yet. After all, Bow may have started to notice something was off. She picked up her Green file, still feeling like something was wrong. Like something was missing. Still, she brushed it off as though it were nothing. "Just elimination nerves" she muttered  to herself, laughing half heartedly as her heart seemed to be sinking.



The final vote echoed through the group as all 4 of them pulled out their retrospective files. Cabby looked to Test Tube whom shook her head in denial.

"Did you...?" she muttered.


"Of course you wouldn't dear." Silver exclaimed, gripping his file, his smile replaced with a scowl. "Did you any of us would trust you? Hmm?".

Cabby and Test Tube both looked around. All had looks of anger as they scorned through their files. "Oh so I ALWAYS obsess over my hair, don't I huh?" Paintbrush yelled, their head slightly smouldering.

"I'm not pink. I'M SALMON!!!!" Balloon screamed, anger escaping his lips as he threw down his file to test Tube's feet. Paintbrush did the same. 

"And you suppose I never lift a finger dear's? Well, here's quite the finger for you." Silver spat out, raising his hand. His thumb slipped downward as he directed a thumbs down towards the pair.

"But did you get those? I never gave them to you?" Test Tube blurted.

"Of course you didn't give them."  Paintbrush said, stepping forward towards them. "Why else would me and Balloon have come to talk to you out of nowhere?".

"You....took my files.....?" Cabby spluttered in horror and shock.

"And betrayed my trust...." Test Tube said, her hands clammy.

"Oh you would know something about betraying trust and keeping secrets, wouldn't you dear?".

All heads spun around towards Bow who held not one but TWO files: one of herself and one of Test Tube.

"B....Bow?" Test Tube muttered, confused.

"Oh don't "Bow" me. I know your hiding who I am. I mean, you surely know what I  really am. I'm dead." she said, beckoning to her file. " But tell me miss Scientist, why am I here? And why can't I read some of the stuff in my file that others can read fine, huh? Well?".

"B...Bow I..." Test Tube's eyes began to water as she stammered.

"W...well you are dead. But.....that's....a different Bow. The....the real Bow. Because....your not....really......bow.".

The air was tense as silence seemed to engulf the elimination area. Mephone hovered a hand on the button, waiting out whatever would happen.

"Me and Fan could never.....accept your death. With my knowledge of science and Fan's knowledge of you we wanted to...right a wrong. Plus, we'd already lost something so we thought this us.".

"So I'm.....a robot? A.....bowbot?" the pink bow shaped object said, her eyes widening in shock.

"Well.........yes. To say the least. And I made sure to program you so you wouldn't remember anything involving your death..." Test Tube replied as Bow stood up.

"But that doesn't matter does it? I'm not Bow!!!" she yelled, her eyes contorting with anger.


"Are you listening? Just because you programmed me with a few phrases and put a shell on me doesn't make me Bow. Look, I'm sorry for whatever loss you went through but lemme make one thing clear. You all are very lucky. Mephone can bring you back if you die. But me? No. I won't come back. Because I'm not like you." she ranted, her face showing more anger betrayal then ever.

"Because I'm a robot. Because




She stamped her feet, throwing the two files towards Test Tube and Cabby in shock and sprinting off in the opposite direction.  Test Tube reached a hand out in her direction, tears flowing down her cheeks. "B...Bot..." she gasped as Cabby put a hand on her shoulder.

"I' sorry...Test Tube I..."

"Sorry to break up this magical moment buuuut...." Mephone said, pulling Cabby aside and pushing her in front of the Eliminated camera. "'ll need to get going. So long Cabster!".

"WAIT-!!!!" Cabby yelled as Test Tube looked back, seeing the red blur hit her like a truck as she flew into the distance with a scream that faded.

The other left, the events of that night preserved in their minds. Paintbrush headed off in Bot's direction to look for her, as did balloon. Silver strode towards the Pinker's cabin. The lights flashed off, the camera stopped playing as Mephone strolled off towards the Pic-Nix table. Test Tube stood alone, tears streaming down her face at what had happened. She picked up the file on her and the file on "Bow", gripping them tightly as guilt flooded her heart.

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