[Ep 15: All that's Gold, does not Glitter] Part 3

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"...Life Ring!!!".

The screen flashed green, as a Life Ring cheered in celebratory stride. "Sorry TK...." he said, feeling slightly guilty as he walked past her.

"It's ok....I don't think my back would  be able to take any more stuff.....argh...." she groaned, stretching herself to try relief her discomfort.

"It sounds like what you need is a therapeutic massage." Candle said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Well....that would be nice....Aw what the heck? I'll take it." she said, walking away with Candle.

"But you owe me 20 bucks, hmm hmm." Candle replied as the two left.

"Anyways, now that's all cleared up, we can get to the next phase. "Mephone said as his face disappeared, showing diagrams on his screen.  "You may notice that only certain backs were allowed through. That's because there were lumps of gold in them.".

Everyone's eyes lit up at those words.


"FOR REAL!!!?">

"This calls for the CHEER-"


"I wouldn't cheer so soon. You see, this machine isn't very good." Mephone stated, banging a hand on the scale. "So 3 of you have Pyrite. One has a small piece of real gold. About this small." he said as he procured a small shining yellow rock.

"So then...".

"So then you have to find out who. There's water" Mephone continued, signalling to a seaside low pier. "There's bowls" he beckoned towards the wood bowl pile. "And there's 20 minutes. If the correct gold isn't found, I'll have to re-select the group of four from the other contestants. SO hope you find that treasure!".

The timer began as Bot and Life Ring grabbed a few bowls. Blue Berry carried Goo with one arm and grabbed a bowl as Goo clung onto their bags. Heading to the pier with the others, he sighed.

"What's wrong?" Goo asked, his voice squeaky and soft. 

"I don't know how well I can do this. I mean..." Blue Berry sighed, his legs sagging in the dirt. "You  guys believe so much in me......what happens if I fail?" he continued, looking at his bleak reflection in the water's surface.

"Awwww Blue...." Goo said as he nudged up the his darker companion. "I'm sure you won't fail. You made it this far didn't you? And you have just as much a chance at this as me!!!" he cheered as he grabbed Blue Berry's bowl and his and swirled the contents of both around.

"But how do you know I'll win?" Blue Berry asked as he drained the muddy water away from his bowl. "How do you know you won't? How could you have known you'd make it this far?".


Blue Berry poured water into his bowl against he thought. He looked down into the waters below. How much had he missed cuz he thought he knew he'd fail? How many times was his victory right there? He didn't know. He always thought he knew.

But he didn't.

"I'm positive you'll do well Blue. I believe in you for as long as your blue and Bot's a Bot.".

Blue Berry sifted his bowl around as he saw the sparkle's and shimmers he wanted. The four headed to Mephone with their selected pieces of glimmering yellow stones.

"Time's up! Place your selected ingot on this new scale." Mephone said as he banged a new, sleeker looking scale. "If your piece is false, you loose.".

Bot stopped up towards the scale, helping Goo by extending their legs up. Goo squashed his nugget onto the scale and dropped down with the others. Next, Bot removed the piece and placed their own one on. The screen dinged twice as the results loaded in. Blueberry placed his ingot onto the podium as Bot removed theirs, followed by Life Ring.

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