Toxic (BFB 22 AU)

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[TW: Mentions of SH and Suicide. Inspired by an ao3 fic that will be linked at the end of the chapter.].

"Bye X!!!" Leafy chirped, waving at yellow Algebralian, who boasted a calm and happy smile. "Lovely talking to you!".

She turned to him as the mellow creature left the two of them alone. "As for you...." she began, while Firery kept his stoic and uninterested yet mildly agitated expression. "Firery, what was That about?".

"What?" he asked, still uncaring and seeming a little off-put.

"Your story's a lie! I was there. I came to the Half Nots to check on what you guys were up to!" she explained, moving her hands about and seeming a little hurt. He merely looked away from her gaze, folding his arms. "You never got in between Flower and Taco's argument.".

He still didn't respond. The sunlight basked the Capillary ruins in its late summer glow as he continued to try to ignore her.

"I didn't say any of that nonsense, you lied.".

He only made a guilty grumble from his throat, still not looking her way. 

"Wha-" she began again, only to realise why he wasn't being direct. She stomped her foot in annoyance as her finger pointed to his still facing away face. "Don't tell me YOU stole the diary!!?".

He had no words, as his face grew more agitated.  "Is that why you lied?" Leafy probed, causing him to direct a mere "Hmmph" in her direction. Her face dropped as the realisation struck like oil and his actions made sense. The avoidance, the grumbling, the wandering eyes.

"Firery...." she said, her voice cracking with confusion, wondering about his motives. "Why would you do that?".

The question seemed to elicit something in him, like a deep welled anger and frustration. His arms pointed at her as he suddenly lashed out "Because YOU stole Dream Island from ME!!!".

The outburst seemed to startle her with even more confusion. She stepped back, feeling the heat of his Firery body seem to bubble and sizzle more than usual. His words seemed hard and directly angered, laced with irritation and arrogance.

"H...Huh?" Was the only response to come out of her lips. "You....stole the diary because.....I stole Dream Island? That doesn't make any sense?".

"We battled for TWO YEARS to win Dream Island!!! And YOU just.....TOOK it away from ME!!!" he lashed out, his body flickering and fanning in all manner of directions as he spat his long time held frustrations out towards her.

"H....Hey, You didn't let me in?" Leafy with replied, a rise in her voice. It didn't seem to make sense, how he'd hold that decade old grudge against him.

"So what Leafy?".


Firery's flames flickered less as he looked at him with disgust, seeming to have envy and pain in his words. "You couldn't have waited to TALK about it?" he asked, ready to pour out his psychological fire and years of built up irritation.

However, as he began to speak again, that last line seemed to elicit a reactions. "Talk....about it?" was all the lemon leaf could mutter, her voice soft and confused. Her eyes seemed to flicker as she stamped her foot, interrupting his tirade. "When would you have "talked" about it?"

Firery was taken aback by her sudden anger. "Well, obviously after...." he began, still annoyed at her. He could feel is anger slightly waning, yet still wanted to pour his anger out. Yet, he couldn't get a word out.

"After what!? After enjoying your luxury island? After having fun with everyone?" She demanded, her eyes watering. "I mean, would you even have remembered me?".

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