14: Roomie

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As the night drew on, everyone left Chan's apartment, agreeing to meet again properly the next day. After the heavy events of the previous day, everyone was in need of rest.

Jiyoung sat on the sofa, surrounded by her belongings, lost in deep thought. Sensing Chan's presence behind her, she took a deep breath before speaking up.

"Uhmm, Chan..." she began slowly, prompting him to listen.

Chan hummed in response, indicating for her to continue.

"Why did you ask Hyunjin to accompany me in that secret room?" Jiyoung's question caught Chan off guard, causing him to pause in his actions as he glanced at her over his shoulder.

"... No reason. I just thought with so many people in my house, Hoseok might get suspicious." Chan replied with a simple shrug.

Jiyoung scoffed, crossing her arms suspiciously.
"Like you eight don't spend every day together. Do you know something?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

Chan let out a deep breath, turning around to face her directly.
"Should I know something?" he countered.

"Oh, question for a question. Damn, you're smart." Jiyoung remarked, squinting her eyes at him.
"I guess you don't know... Anyway, I wanted to take a shower and freshen up. Where's the bathroom?"

Chan chuckled softly at her response,
"It's in my room, there's only one bathroom..." Chan trailed off at the end, leaving Jiyoung taken aback.

She nodded subconsciously, processing the information.

"Ah...ahh...so you can wait outside, right?" Jiyoung asked, chuckling awkwardly, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Yeah, sure." Chan replied,

Jiyoung hurriedly gathered her belongings and followed Chan into his room, feeling a slight flutter of nerves in her stomach.

"I'll be outside." Chan said, rushing out of the room,

"Why is my heart beating like I'm about to kill someone?" Jiyoung sighed annoyingly, shaking her head as she pushed open the door to the bathroom.

Chan let out a deep breath as stood against the wall of the room, his eyes narrowed in focus.

"The two tenants Tom's dad is sending to your house that's on rent are from the Italian mafia." Heeseung, Chan's secret agent shared with Chan over the phone.

"Seriously? Another mafia to deal with?" Chan sighed in irritation.

"Just play along, Chan hyung. They don't know you're James's son, and they don't have to. Just make sure to give them the apartment." Heeseung advised.

"Alright, who are they?" Chan asked, his irritation palpable.

"Chris's loving daughter Jennifer and son Taehyung. They're here to hide from Jimin and also to rescue Jungkoo--"

"I'm not interested in why they're here." Chan interrupted.

"Alright, and if they turn out to be a hassle for you, remember their weakness to use on them-Jennifer is severely claustrophobic...

Chan sighed heavily, his mind still swirling with thoughts.
Suddenly, he heard the sound of someone entering the password to his house.

"Han? Hyunjin? Are you gu--" Chan started to call out, but his words were cut short by the sight that greeted him.

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