10: How It Started

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Two days before,

Jimin's annoyance filled the hospital room, his pacing mirroring the storm raging within him.

Doctor Ro's hesitant admission about Dong uk's condition only fueled Jimin's frustration.

"His brain has been clotted, Mr. Jimin... I don't know how it happened but--." Ro's words hung heavy in the air.

"What kind of road accident was it?! You are hiding something from me. WHAT IS IT TELL ME BEFORE I BURN THE INSIDE OF YOU!" Jimin's voice thundered, causing the staff to flinch.

Ro gulped as fiddled with his hands.

"We found a bullet wound on his chest and a stab wound on his thigh... It seems he was tortured and then thrown from his car to make it look like an accident. The bullet wound had a brutal stab wound si-"

"Someone thrust a dagger into his bullet points wound?" Jimin's shock was palpable as Ro nodded in confirmation.

"Where is his girlfriend, Minsa!?" Jimin demanded, urgency creeping into his voice.

"She's unreachable. She was supposed to be in a coma but is now missing." Soobin added, his voice tense.

Jimin's laughter echoed in the tense atmosphere, his gaze narrowing as he observed Ro's sweat-drenched forehead.

"Why did you hide this?" Jimin's voice dropped dangerously low, sending shivers down Ro's spine.

"Someone threatened me to hide it from you, Jimin sir... If I hadn't listened to them, they would have murdered my wife who is in Italy." Ro trailed off as fear gripped him.

"Who threatened you?" Jimin's tone turned icy, his eyes boring into Ro's trembling form.

"It was Jiyoung." Ro confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin's expression darkened, realization dawning upon him as he processed the shocking revelation.


Jimin stormed into his friend, commissioner Hoseok's office, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brows.

"Did you find something, hyung!?" Jimin's urgency was palpable as he approached Hoseok.

Hoseok glanced up from his files and nodded, rising to his feet.

"Our intelligence services got some information that someone from the Italian mafia is here in Seoul, but I am not sure if it's Jiyoung.." Hoseok revealed.

"What do you mean?" Jimin's voice betrayed his impatience as he eagerly accepted the files from Hoseok.

"The rogues from Taiwan of group Sword Killer were seen in Seoul, and you already know who they work for- Mafia boss Chris." Hoseok explained.
"We are not sure if Jiyoung tortured my brother or it was those rogues... however, here's a list of passengers who flew from Sydney in the past weeks, maybe--"

Jimin's smirk cut off Hoseok's sentence as he quickly scanned through the list, his eyes alighting on a particular name.

"She's indeed here." Jimin declared,, causing Hoseok to squint in confusion.

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