13: Divorced Couple

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Around early morning, at 7 o'clock, Chan woke up feeling exhausted. He had slept late, but he couldn't afford to sleep in, not with the looming challenges of his business and the presence of the mafia in his living room.

Dragging his feet towards his bedroom door, he carefully opened it and stepped out. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw a leg dangling over the back of the couch.

Approaching cautiously, he saw Jiyoung lying on the couch in the most uncomfortable and unsophisticated position with her eyes closed.

"Didn't she have insomnia?" he muttered to himself, crossing his arms in confusion.

"I do." came Jiyoung's voice suddenly, causing Chan to jump in surprise. He turned to see her eyes open, staring at him blankly like a ghost.

"My goodness, you just scared me!" Chan gasped, holding onto his chest.

Jiyoung sat up like a robot, removing the blanket from her with a blank expression.

"Sorry." she replied flatly, as she stood up and began to fold the sheets and arrange the pillow properly blankly.

"You didn't sleep the whole night?" Chan asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched her work like a robot.

"No, Chan. Surprisingly, that's how insomnia is." Jiyoung replied, sighing heavily with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Okay... didn't mean to offend you." Chan shrugged, noticing the irritation in her tone.

"I am hungry," Jiyoung suddenly pouted, gazing at Chan with a pleading expression like a baby.

"Oh... hungry..." Chan scratched his head, looking around the room as he tried to think of a solution when suddenly felt Jiyoung's head resting on his shoulder, surprising him.

"I might faint..." He heard her soft voice, "I think my sugar is low too, I am feeling so weak."

Jiyoung sighed again as she stood, resting her head on his shoulder, while Chan stood straight, feeling unsure of how to react to the unexpected closeness.

"Sit here, I'll see if there's something for you to eat." Chan gently said,

Jiyoung looked down as she stepped away from Chan, sinking onto the couch without saying a word.

Chan furrowed his brow, puzzled by Jiyoung's sudden change in demeanor, but he decided to push aside his confusion and headed into the kitchen to see if he could find something for her to eat.

Jiyoung was sitting blankly on the sofa, her mind swirling with a storm of conflicting emotions and thoughts.

"Here, have some tea and these are some normal toasts. It's all I could make in t--" Before Chan could even complete his sentence, Jiyoung had already taken the tea and toast, stuffing them into her mouth eagerly. "--he meantime."

"It's good! Thank you!!" Jiyoung exclaimed between mouthfuls, her eyes bright as she devoured the food. "I was so hungry! You have no idea. It's really good!"

A smile graced Chan's lips as he watched her eat with the enthusiasm of a little kid.

As Jiyoung neared the end of the last toast, she stopped, blinking innocently as she looked up at Chan standing in front of her, bread crumbs messily near her lips.

"I didn't even ask you before eating like a monster myself..." she gulped, licking her lips nervously as she looked down.

This time, Chan burst into a soft laugh, shaking his head at her antics. "It's okay, I wasn't hungry. I don't have breakfast this soon."

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