6: The Pain

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A few hours ago,

In the pitch-black basement, Dong uk's heart raced as the mask was ripped away, leaving him gasping in the stifling air.

"Wh... Where am I?" he choked out, struggling against his hands tied against the chair.

"You're a noisy one, aren't you?" Jiyoung's voice sliced through the darkness as she approached, her tone mocking. 

"If Jimin gets to kno--"

"Who will tell him? Your girlfriend?" Jiyoung chuckled, rolling her eyes, a twisted grin dancing on her lips. "Listen here, dummy, Jimin will only know I'm here when I want, okay?"

"What did you do to my Minsa... I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU EVEN TOUCHED HE—" Dong uk's voice cracked with fear and rage but his words were cut short as Jiyoung drove the knife into his thigh.

"You seriously talk a lot." Jiyoung sneered, pressing the blade deeper into his flesh.

Dong uk's cries echoed in the darkness as tears streamed down his cheeks, his body trembling with pain and helplessness.

"Tell me, where is Jungkook?" Jiyoung demanded, her brows furrowed with frustration as she leaned in towards Dong uk, who scoffed and chuckled despite his agony.

"You think this mere pain will force the truth from me?" Dong uk gritted his teeth.

"Oh, you want pain?" Jiyoung stepped back, a cruel smile playing on her lips as she nodded to herself.

She gestured to one of her men, silently taking the gun he held.

Before Dong uk could react, Jiyoung pulled the trigger, and a searing pain tore through his shoulder.

His screams pierced the air as blood began to ooze from the wound. Jiyoung pressed her hand mercilessly against the wound, intensifying his pain.

Dong uk's body crumbled in pain, with the bullet inside him.

"Listen to me carefully!" Jiyoung growled, pressing harder against Dong uk's bullet wound, causing him to wince in excruciating pain. "My brother is not a toy to mess with! Tell me where he is, and I may let you go with little pain. Waste my time, and I will give you a death that even your ancestors will shiver with."

"If I tell you, then THE BEAST JIMIN WILL KILL ME!" Dong uk cried out in agony, his voice trembling with fear.

"And if you don't tell me..." Jiyoung warned, pulling away and withdrawing the knife from his thigh, momentarily relieving some of his pain, "Then I'll make you feel like hell right here, right now!" Without hesitation, she thrust the knife against his bullet wound.

"NOOO, PLEASE STOP!" Dong uk's voice echoed in the darkness as he clenched his fist, the ripping pain coursing through his body unbearable.

"TELL ME WHERE IS JUNGKOOK!" Jiyoung's voice thundered through the darkness, her eyes ablaze with malice as she showed no mercy.

"JUNGKOOK IS IN THE HIGH-SECURITY PRISON IN SEOUL!" Dong uk blurted out, squinting and closing his eyes in terror.

Taehyung paced outside the basement, his anxiety palpable as he bit his lip and sighed in frustration.
"Where is she..." he whispered worriedly to himself, turning towards the gate until Jiyoung emerged, startling him.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Taehyung asked eagerly.

"Jungkook is in a high-security prison." Jiyoung revealed.

"What will we do now... It'll be difficult to escape him now..." Taehyung chewed on his lips in worry.

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