Press conference pt3

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"Niran, how did you meet Thorm? I heard that you dated a female beforehand. When did you know that you were attracted to men? Is it true that a person paid two people to do bad things to you? Where did he propose to you? Are you excited about the marriage? Are your partners supporting your choice in life? How does your partner's family feel about you becoming part of the family? Are they okay with no heir to the family?" One reporter said after Niran spoke.

With a sigh, Niran smiled and addressed the questions. "We met in the most unique way. We met at our most recent date spot. We met at the Aquarium. He spoke to me first, but we fell in love over time. I knew that I was attracted to both genders for a while. He proposed to me at the aquarium and yes I am excited about starting our married life together. My partners are no longer alive but the rest of my family is in full support of my relationship. I can't speak for Thorm's partners, so I kindly ask them to speak in regards to their questions." Niran sat back down.

Thorm's partners stood up and His mum addressed the questions. "We are proud of our son and happy that he has found his partner in life. I personally have been trying to get in to go on dating/ arranged marriage meetings but he was never interested. Once we discovered that He found Niran, I felt relieved that my son found a person that he was happy with. In regards to grandkids, there are ways to have children. I am not worried about them not having children. My husband and I are 100 percent behind them. We are both proud that my son and his partner were able to solve this issue quickly. I have here a copy of our press release that I will have our son's assistant hand out. (she hands the papers to Thorm's assistant) I believe in my son. Husband, do you want to say anything?"

"Thank you again for coming. The papers that the assistant is passing around now is our state in regards to our disgraced daughter. After today, we are disowning her and taking her off the family registry. She is no longer part of our family. In regards to her family, we will have nothing to do with her husband nor her child. If our son wants to see his nephew then, we are not going to stop him. That is his choice, and we will respect that. I will also be coming back into the main office for the next year to help with any unsolved issues within the company. I will be stepping into the role of VP and working with Niran and Thorm. I believe that is all we have time for today. I did see that there were coffee and snacks for everyone, so please help yourself before leaving."

Thorm's parents left the stage, followed by the managers that were there, and then niran and thorm. Thorm told people to go up to his office once they got in front of the elevator. They climbed into the elevator and went to thorm's office. Once in the office Thorm addressed everyone.

"Dad, I want you to train Niran as the VP. If I can't trust my partner to help me run this company then who can I trust? Niran, would you like to help me run the company?"

"No, Thorm I would not like that. I want to have my own career outside of your company. Please allow me this. How about you get one of the managers here to help you?" Niran spoke proudly.

"We will get one of your brothers to help me. This should be able to get their company into working with ours and together we can help each other. We will call them later and set up a meeting. Either way dad, you are going to help train the next VP, and maybe help me train my kids one day to take over as CEO. We will cross that step later. For now, managers, I want you to talk to your people under you and I want to hold a friendly competition. I would like to hold a wide company proposal competition. Whoever can come up with the best proposal for Niran's brother's company, will get a bonus. The bonus has yet to be determined. The person who wins, will be moving departments as well. They will be moving to our planning team. You guys can go now. Hold your meetings by the end of the day." Thorm said and then watched the three men leave. "I have some work to do, but I will be done in a little bit. Do you guys mind waiting while I finish and then we will go out to dinner? You guys can pick the place. Give me like two hours."

Thorm went to his desk and turned on his computer. He logged in and started answering emails to people. The assistant came in and handed him a stack of papers that needed to be signed. Thorm handed over the papers to the assistant and then dismissed him for his vacation. About an hour later, Thorm finished off his work and signed out of the computer. Thorm's parents and Niran took Thorm to a cute small cafe for dinner. They had a wonderful time together.

People did take time out of their meal or stop them as they walked around to give their congratulations but also how sorry they were to hear about what had happened. The four adults thanked people for their concern but continued on with what they were doing. It was late in the evening when Thorm and Niran left his parents and went home.

Thorm fell onto the couch with a heavy sigh. He tugged off his tie and unbuttoned three top buttons on his shirt. Niran came over and sat on the floor and then took Thorm's hand. "Do you think we will ever have peace in this family?" Niran said half jokingly.

"We better have peace soon. I am too stressed out right now." Thorm said while giving Niran's hand a kiss.

"We are meeting Mark up tomorrow at his office. I believe that he will help with the stress." Niran said after blushing from Thorm's kiss.

Thorm sat up but he never let go of Niran's hand. He smirked, grabbed Niran's neck, and then leaned closely. "I know something else that will help with the stress. Want to find out?" Niran looking into Thorm's eyes just nodded.

Thorm gave Niran a hard kiss and moved his body over Nirans. When they both were laying down, they both were kissing and unbuttoning their shirts. Thorm moved his hands down Niran's body and pinched his nipples. Niran let out a loud moan. Thorm then moved to Niran's neck and started to kiss there. He was careful enough not to leave a mark. Thorm switched nipples and when he pinched the nipple, Niran screamed with pleasure. Thorm pulled back and looked down at Niran. "We are doing something different tonight. I promise to go easy on you. If you can't handle it anymore, tell me "cream" and I will stop what I am doing.

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