Leading up to the Press Conference

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Thorm did not bring Niran to the office. The meeting for the board meeting was right at eight in the morning. His parents, sister, family that had shares in the company, and the five other members on the board were there as well.

Thank you all for coming this early in the morning. I have my assistant coming in the next few minutes with breakfast, coffee, and documents for everyone. Please everyone sit down and relax for the next little bit." Thorm said with a smile.

The assistant came in with a few people to drop off breakfast, coffee and he held the documents in his arms. Once breakfast and coffee was passed out, Thorm spoke again. "Enjoy breakfast everyone. There is going to be a change in the board today as well as the company." His sister smirked over this but ate. Thorm gave a signal for the documents to be passed around to the board members. Everyone but his sister received the papers.

"While we are eating, I am going to start talking, please speak up if you have questions. As you look on the first few pages are emails from one person to another. These were to another company to frame my partner. If you look on pages five through ten, you will see text messages from the same person to another in grades to me being followed as well as information to the media. The rest of the documents are company brides that this person has taken as well as setting up bank accounts in my name. Because the accounts are in my name, I have taken liberty to turn the money back into our company. The final pages are notarized documents from each bank backing what I just said." Thorm said while looking at his sister with a smirk.

"Brother why don't I have the information?" His sister said. Thorm ignored her. He gave everyone time to look over the information. Everyone finished eating and looking at the documents.

"Daughter, is this true?" Their father asked her. "You only ever loved Thorm! I raised him though. Yet he was the one who took the company from me. I want to see him fall. He will never be able to have children anyway. Males can't breed and only I will be able to give you the grandkids you want and need. He is nothing but a...." She was cut off by a slap on the face from their mother.

"You have no right to speak that way. Your brother gave you the second spot under him and yet you were still not happy. You are no longer part of this family." Their mother said. Thorm gave the signal and the police were brought in. She was taken into custody and taken out of the room. Thorm then asked if there was anyone who still felt like he needed to leave the CEO position?. Everyone was in favor of him keeping the CEO position.

Thorm left the meeting and then next he called the person following him to his office. His sister's assistance. They were fired and Thorm got a few punches in the face because he was not fast enough to block them. The security team was called in and he was also taken to the police as well.

Thorm then called the three companies that his sister brought in and they were informed what his sister did and their contracts were canceled. They forgo the conciliation fee to not have their name mentioned at the press conference. Thorm ate dinner there and made a few calls to the overseas companies.

After his last call Niran showed up with dinner. They ate and went to sleep there in the office again.


Thorm slept in while Niran woke up and ordered breakfast for them. The assistant showed up with the breakfast that Niran ordered about thirty minutes later. Thorm was still sleeping. Niran ate breakfast first and then called P'Ai for cream and wraps. The doctor told Niran that he would have a person drop it by. Niran thanked the doctor and hung up the phone.

Niran got a towel and got it wet with warm water. He went to the bed and woke up Thorm. Thorm moaned because he wanted to sleep more. Niran decided to give him a kiss to wake him up. This did the trick. Thorm opened his eyes and pulled Niran into a deeper embrace.

"Thorm!! Let me go. I need to clean your burn. Do I need to go back home to get a change of clothes after I clean you? P'Ai said that he would send someone to bring cream and wraps for you." Niran struggled to leave Thorm's arms.

"I have a suit here. Clean me off and once the items come, I'll let you dress the wound." Thorm said letting go of Niran and turning on his stomach.

The wound was starting to heal nicely. Niran wiped the burn down and then they both got off the bed. Thorm changed clothes and then left for his office. He asked the assistant to get Niran new clothes from a nearby store. The assistant left. Thorm picked up the phone and started the day making phone calls.

Thorm started getting a headache by ten am because the second company he called was trying to change terms in the contract. Thorm was unwavering in the changes. The assistant came back and went to Niran while Thorm was on the call with that second company. After an hour more talking, Thorm and the CEO agreed to meet up for lunch to go over the contract.

Thorm gathered his keys, wallet, and phone and left the office. He texted Niran who was still in the small bedroom at the office that he had to go to a meeting. He would bring back lunch for him and the assistant. Thorm drove ten minutes to a semi decent lunch venue and the two CEO's talked about the contract. At the end of lunch, nothing in the contract was changed but would proceed as planned. Thorm was livid because they could have handled this over the phone.

Thorm ordered lunch to go and once that arrived, he departed the restaurant. He got back to the office and gave the two men waiting for their meal. Thorm jumped on another phone call. The rest of the calls went easy and Thorm was able to leave early. Thorm pulled Niran into the elevator to leave the office by three in the afternoon.

When they arrived home, Niran put cream on Thorm and thorm went around shirtless for the rest of the day. Niran didn't say much to Thorm because he was in his own world about tomorrow. They made dinner early and went to bed. Thorm was exhausted after his stressful week.

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