Thorm's past

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After everyone agreed that Thorm would be the primary caretaker to Niran and the baby, everyone left the hospital. Thorm went back to the room and sat beside Niran. Thorm gently took Niran's hand in his and gently kissed the top of the hand.

"Love, I need you to wake up. There have been a lot of things that I need to explain. I will tell you now but I will tell you when you wake as well. First, I don't judge you because of your past. Everyone has their own demons that they have to face. I am a little upset that you felt like you could not talk to me about this and had your aunt Waen tell me.

Second, Aunt Damni told me about your brothers without me even asking. I did have questions, and when I spoke them outloud, I thought that it was you behind me. Your family will be able to tell you more about your twin and I will make sure that you learn the truth about what happened.

Third, your family and mine are here waiting for you to wake up. We are all worried about you. I informed them that you will wake up when you are ready. Please let it be soon. The doctor has some major news for you. I can tell you now because you are asleep. You are pregnant."

The heart monitor started to beep. The nurses ran in and so did the doctor. "What happened? The doctor questioned Thorm.

"I was just talking to him and I told him about what you discovered. That is when the monitor started to go out." Thorm said with a worried expression on his face.

"Try talking to him about your life. I know that you both have talked a lot about yourself but what about your past? Try to have him subconsciously learn about you." the doctor said after telling the nurse to get him another bag of fluids and another infusion bag as well. The monitor slowly went back to a normal rate and stopped beeping.

Thorm held Niran's hand during the doctor's speech. Thorm watched the doctor leave and then looked back at Niran's face. "I guess I will tell you about my past. My family have been well off for about 5 generations now. I am the fifth generation. I am not going to lie to you and say that I had an easy childhood. My parents were busy with the business and my sister and I did not see them often. Before I was shipped off to school, we had a few nannies that raised us.

When I was ready for middle school, I was shipped to Europe to go to boarding school. My sister at that time, was already in boarding school. We stayed in contact through letters. When I arrived at my school, I discovered that my sister's school was an all girl's school in relation to mine. We saw each other often on weekends. I think in the 6 years I was there, I saw my sister over 300 times, whereas I only saw my past around 20.

I moved back to Thailand and joined the top university here for my degree. I graduated college with my masters by the age 27. I joined my parents' company shortly after. I slowly worked on moving up within the company. Now after three years of hard work, I am finally taking over as CEO.

My sister has married a wealthy man to help bring our business into a different area. My parents were trying to get me to marry a wealthy female omega for the longest time. I never came out to them until I found you. I told my sister early on in my life that I did not like females. The day after I met you, I called my sister up and told her that I found my person. She was so excited for me.

My parents and I have been slowly working on rebuilding our relationship. Hell, they even stopped what they were doing and came here because their son-in-law is in the hospital. I honestly believe that they care more about you than me. For this, I am happy. Please know that you are loved more than you know.

I also want to apologize. Besides my sister, I really have not had anyone to rely on. It is hard for me to open up to people, and communicate on a regular basis. I will try harder because I don't want to lose you. If I lost you, I honestly would have nothing to live for. You are my everything. Children may be here but you are the light in my dark life.

Please love. Please return to me. I need you so much. I am honestly scared that you won't want me and that I will lose you forever." Thorm held the hand tighter and leaned his head on the hands. Thorm cried. He was crying so hard that he didn't notice Niran being awake.

Niran lifted his hand and gently patted Thorm's head.

"Water." Niran asked in a soft voice.

Thorm raised his head with tears still coming down on his cheeks. He nodded and stood up. Thorm wiped his tears before leaving to get water. He returned with the nurse. She finally changed the fluids for Niran. She said that the doctor would be in later and left.

Thorm raised the cup to Niran and he took a sip of water. Niran looked at Thorm and held out his hand. Thorm gently took his hand and gave the hand a kiss.

"Did everything you said were true?" Niran asked. Thorm kissed Niran's hand again, "which part, love?"

Niran sighed. "I'm truly pregnant? Is the baby okay? Do you want kids? I don't want to tie you down if you are not ready. I can leave and raise the child alone. I don't want you to think I did this on purpose."

Thorm laughed gently. "My love, I want you. I was okay with us not having any children. Now that this miracle is here, I am leaving the choice to you. I want you to be happy. If you want the child, I will help raise it. I will do anything to make you happy. To be honest, when I discovered that I was gay, I honestly was content not ever having children. My sister and her husband agreed that their second boy would carry on the family name. So love, what do you want? Like I said, I will follow your lead on this." Thorm kissed Niran's hand again.

"I want you and I want the child. Will you ever love the child? I don't think I could raise my child with one parent hating it." Niran said as a tear fell down his face.

Thorm whipped the tear off his lover's face and gently said, " I don't think their father would allow me to be distant with them. I know that you will raise the child with all the love and care that a child needs and I know that you will make sure that I am there as well. In other words, Yes, I will love the child, but not as much as I love you."

"Where did you get so much candy today?" Niran giggled.

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