Press Conference PT2

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Thorm fixed his suit while Niran held his face. Thorm chuckled and then signaled for the assistant to open the door. Once the door was open, Thorm got out and turned around to help Niran out of the car.

There were flashes of the cameras around them, but Thorm held onto Niran's waist and led him into the building. The cops that were there helped with holding people back. The assistant followed the two men into the building and then was told to start letting reporters into the press conference room. They were all to check in at the front desk and then showed one by one to the room.

The assistant quickly left and the two men went into the elevator to the third floor where the waiting rooms were. Upon entering, Niran greeted Thorm's parents, the few managers that were there.

After looking around, Niran noticed that Hiran was not there. "Where is Hiran? She is supposed to be here today." No one said anything.

Thorm took out his phone and started to make calls. Thorm got the message that Hiran had gone into hiding just like his sister. It was suspected that the two were hiding together. Thorm left the room and went into a different room. He started yelling into the phone about how he wanted her found.

The assistant came and got Thorm and then the rest of the group. The group was having a great conversation until they noticed Thorm looking mad. They stopped all conversation when Thorm glared at everyone.

"Son?" his mother, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out. Stop glaring at everyone. We did nothing wrong. Do you want to explain what is making you in a bad mood?"

"Everything will be coming out in a few minutes. Let's go." He held the door open for everyone. People started to walk in but held the assistant and Niran back.

"Niran, there are going to be people about me cheating on you. I want to let you know, here and now, that I have never once looked at another person. I did help someone to a taxi when they were drunk last friday when I went to a bar, but that was it. Do you trust me?" Thorm took Niran's hand in worry.

Niran nodded and then turned to the assistant and had him open the door. The assistant led the way, quickly followed by Niran and Thorm walking in with each other holding hands. They went on the stage and sat in the center. Cops were standing behind his sister's assistant who was handcuffed to his seat. The higher managers were next to Niran and Thorm's parents were next to Thorm.

After a few minutes, Thorm stood up. All the reporters settled down and were ready for Thorm's announcement.

" Thank you all for coming today. This press conference is to clear up on recent news that has come to light. I first want to start off with addressing the supposed slash fund that I had. Thanks to my partner, He found the money and the bank accounts that the funds were being held in. Yes they were under my name but I did not open them. With them being in my name, I was able to close the accounts down and return all the money to the company. Here is the information from three banks with them notarized with what I just stated. Here is the notary from our company's bank and that counts with what was returned. Here is the amount that was stashed away. Signed off by three of the people here after verifying the information through an account manager.

Notice that there is a difference of three million not being returned. The money is no longer in those accounts. I am personally using my own funds to make up the difference of the lost money. He showed his phone with the three million transaction from his personal account to the business account. Second business, The flash fund and bribes were taken by my sister and her assistant. My sister is now officially in hiding, but her assistant is here to verify what I just told you." Thorm pointed to the right of the stage to the man.

The man could not stand up but he did speak out. "My boss hired me to help aid her in a slush fund and also taking bribes from three companies. I was also hired to follow the CEO and get dirt on him. The news about his partner and him cheating came from Niran's old coworker, Hiran. She gave us the dirt on him but I was the one who got photos of them together but also of him cheating as well." The man hung his head. The cops looked to Thorm and he gave them the go head to leave.

"This brings me to my final announcement." Thorm turned to help Niran stand up and then he turned back to look at the sea of reporters. 'I have known for a long time that I would be with a male partner. I do not find females sexually attractive. I was never once in a relationship with a male. Niran is and will be the only partner I ever have. I never once cheated on my partner. The news that did get released was me helping a drunk person to a taxi. Me leaning in was to talk to a taxi driver to take the man to a hotel. I did not stay more than a minute talking to the driver. I humbly ask that my partner's life and past be never talked about again. He is not popular and I would like us and our relationship to stay out of the public eye. Does anyone have questions?"

Hands were raised fast and shouts from reporters were coming just as fast. Most were the same question. "Niran, How do you feel about everything that is going on? What is your relationship status? Can you both get over the scandal that was caused? What is going to happen with the company now?"

Thorm addressed some questions. "We are in a committed relationship with each other. We are planning on getting married soon. We do not have a date fix as of yet. We are in constant communication with each other about everything that is going on and we are working together with the police to find the two people in question. We are taking steps to get everything solved. The company is going to be back in full swing soon. I have been in contact with companies that we have partnered with about the situation and they are working with me and trust me about the scandals that have recently been happening. Niran love, do you want to address anything?"

Niran nodded and then spoke, "I want to thank everyone for coming out today and making time out of their busy schedule to be here. In regards to how I am feeling about everything, this has been rough to handle but I trust in my fiance and I know that as long as we work together, we can overcome anything. I have complete faith in him, his family, and in the justice system to see things through until the end. I will be working beside them to find people and see that the company is where it was. Thank you again."

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