Chapter 14

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Side story.

Ranjeet was sleeping on the bed. The whole day had passed, and he hadn't eaten anything. Jay came into the room.

"Ranjeet! Get up," he said, looking at him. Ranjeet's eyes had dark circles around them.

Jay asked, "Why did you? I know I hate you, but hatred is not for food. Have it. Eat this plate."

"You're still angry with me?"

"Yes, I am! My girlfriend left me. You gave her reasons. I tried to convince her to give me another chance, but now she needs some time to understand my family. So, I said, if you're feeling unwell with me, then break up."

"She was happy. It seems like her love fades always after 3 months. She gets bored of me."

Ranjeet started eating the roti while listening to Jay. He didn't know when he finished eating.

"Bored? Of a lover?"

"Yes, this is modern love. You can't digest it. Good, you finished eating."

"Yeah, maybe I'm old-fashioned."

"Yes, you are."

"Are you staying in this marriage? You came back."

"Stop asking those nonsense questions. I know that you did wrong, but I've thought a lot. I'm not the type of person who seeks revenge. I'm not that kind of person, and I'm also not leaving you alone with your dad. You come with me to my place where I work. Your father and mine are talking some nonsense that I overheard. I don't know much, but I heard that they are planning to involve a toxic person. You deserve love. Come with me, and I'll teach you how to be a good man. I'll also help you move on from your trauma. You loved me, right?"

"Love? No, I don't."

"What? You married me. From your eyes, it seemed like you loved me."

"No, I don't think so. Yes, I like how you behave, how you carry yourself. I like your ideals. But I don't like you."

"Now I feel like we both don't really like each other and just married each other, like an arranged marriage. I'm thinking, where will you put sindoor?" (Jay smiled)

"Yes, I forgot Mangalsutra for you." (Ranjeet smiled) (both laughing)

"Dam! you, you took drugs. I believe in you."

"Thank you for believing in me." (smiling through innocent eyes)

"I believe in your past, Ranjeet. The one who was friendly with me. I believe in our friendship. So, friend, let's go?"

Ranjeet hugged Jay.

"You're the sweetestttt person I know. I wish I could be more like you."

Ranjeet packed his bag, and his eyes were wet with tears.

Past memories flooded his mind.

Ranjeet's mom pleaded, "Please don't leave us. He needs you. Ranjeet loves you."

Ranjeet's dad, packing his bag, said, "Look at yourself! Ugly! Do you know how handsome I am? Your face is as dirty as you are. I know you had affairs with your lover. You touched him, right? I can't stay with someone who touched someone else. Ranjeet is not my son. Find your lover and go to him."

Ranjeet's mom added, "You always used to go to Delhi, why? I know your habit to go to brothels. What should I call you? Dirty or Tharaki?"

Ranjeet's dad slapped his wife.

"I will cut your tongue! Are you challenge me? Who are you? I thought you were as pure as Sita. I can't believe you're just a ....I cannot say."

"Am I? I just love my lover. I give love, and you give lust. How many women in your life? did you count? you called me dirty? Do you think you're Ram? You're not even Ravan. You're worse than him." (In anger)

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