Chapter 10

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"I didn't like making friends in the first place, so I went and sat in the garden. My brother saw me and said,

"So much anger? Who have you come to beat up?"

"Where are your chips? Don't make me angry, I don't want to talk."

"I'm just a year younger, show some respect. Do you even know how foolish Ranjeet is? He's not good for you."

"You knew, didn't you? Yet you didn't say anything."

"Because I wanted you to fight, alone. You never fight for yourself, never even raise your voice to Dad. I've always fought for myself, done what I like."

"Yeah, that's why you eat chips all day."

"Yeah, I eat them. I'm happy. I don't care what people think. I want my happiness. I know you're just alike me, but you never know what happens to you. You try to act nice."

"Don't you dare speak. I know how good I am. I know I'm a bad person."

"I wasted my time reading to your pointless stories. I needed headache medicine, Here I came to ask about it."

"You'll get beaten up!"

"Listen, are you really a lesbian? I thought you only loved your stories. Why didn't you tell the truth that day? Lies again."

"Even you did."

"Because you don't have the courage, so I gave you the idea, but I didn't know you'd add the girlfriend line too."

"It's true! Because of you, such a big thing was said by me. I couldn't even tell Dad that I don't like Ranjeet. Have you ever seen me looking at anyone with love? I don't even like people."

"Yeah, I know, you have a special hatred for people, you don't make friends, or have a boyfriend."

"You know, whatever I did, it always seemed wrong to everyone. My grades weren't good, I was never good at anything. I'm the laziest one. Whatever I try, it just doesn't work out. It's not like I don't try, but I just can't do it. That's who I am. I don't have any big dreams, I'm just happy with boring stories."

"It's so strange, we all want to be normal, but we have something that makes us different, maybe that's what makes me love myself."

"They call it weird," I said, laughing.

"Yeah, so being weird is normal. Everyone is different, everyone has different like & dislikes. You're different, you like writing, and you're not a good writer, but you're happy. That's also normal. We're not different, everyone is different. No one is normal. Those who seem normal are just acting in this world. they think this world is a theatre. Have you seen Ranjeet? He seems happy around with his mustache as if it's his pride, but when he and I were having beer together, he's not happy with his mustache. He's forgotten what truly makes him happy because of his acting."

"We all forget who we are."

"I wish the world could understand your words."

"I don't even hope for that. If we can't even understand ourselves, how can others?"

"Jay! You speaks the truth."

"Chipsy, speak up, Bandriya (female monkey)."

"You'll get beaten up!"

"Okay, okay tell me, why were you in a bad mood?"

"Chipsy, have you come to know my secret again?"

"Get married soon, I want my work life back. I had to extend my leaves for another month because of you. I'm getting bored sitting here."

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