Chapter 5

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Ranjeet entered the room without knocking, and I was sleeping. I immediately woke up, forgetting to close the door.

"You knew, didn't you? That girl is nothing, don't have standards?"

I smiled and replied, "I do have standards, that's why I'm not marrying you."

"You think about me like this? Haha, what difference does it make? Your opinion doesn't matter, to me."

"Can you leave my room? I need to rest."

"Do you want to see my six-pack? Don't girls like??"

Ranjeet is truly crazy, even after being insulted so much, he's still saying these things. It's like he's trying to be a villain in my life.

"Do you want strawberry juice? Want to go shopping? I can arrange it. Just tell me what you want."

I said this in anger, as if his actions don't matter to me, and then went back to sleep, saying, "If that's the case, then go find Geet who brought you here, fight with her for me."

"Ranjeet can do anything, I'll show you right now." Ranjeet left with his gang, proudly flaunting his mustache. 

It's 9 o'clock at night, I glanced through my half-open eyes. Then I saw something that made my eyes widen like a black hole and I saw that Geet's hands were tied, with a cloth covering her mouth. Ranjeet stood there with a gun.

"How was the surprise?" he asked, his ego towering over everything else.

I opened Geet's mouth in fear.

"Payal, why the hell did you bring me here? you are not my Girlf..." I shut her mouth again.

"You guys go, Ranjeet, go."

"Don't let them escape, be careful," Ranjeet said to his men before closing the door again. I reached out to Geet and removed the cloth from her mouth.

"Are you crazy? You brought basters to my house!" she exclaimed.

"I was just joking, Ranjeet is mad. You go now, I'll talk to him and make sure he doesn't harm you. I'll marry him."

"Payal, whether you get married or not makes no difference to me. If you try something like this again, I'll complain to the police."

"Geet, calm down, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? You people kidnapped me, and you are sorry? Fuck! now I'm in this mess because of you. Why isn't your family homophobic? The game should've stated there. Do I have to go through that donkey's test because of you? How will you tolerate such a person?"

I handed Geet some water.

"Geet, don't worry, I'll find another way. You don't need to help me." I said with a lowered and sad tone.

"I'm not going to help you. I have to teach Ranjeet a lesson; he needs to pay for what he's done."

"You can't do anything. In India, no one can touch Ranjeet. He's the son of a politician, the nephew of the Prime Minister of India."

"Then there's only one way."

"Don't tell me you're going to kill him today. Forget it."

"I will defeat him. Your wedding won't happen, and I'll get my revenge."

"Oops! You're ready to be my girlfriend?" excitement lit up my face.

"Why are you getting excited? Don't forget, I'm not helping you,"

Geet, do you really want to fight? This all seems so stupid. Doesn't it? Or is there something else? Do you want to stay here? Are your feelings for me still strong? Is all of this because of that? Tell me, Geet. Even I've been asking myself deep down, but where's the courage to ask you for real? I don't know, but if you're here, at least I won't have to marry this mustached guy.

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