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Meher was in the guest bedroom, trying to muffle her sobs, utterly confused on what happened with Asad. Did he misunderstand something, if yes then he should've communicated with her first, before assuming anything.

What happened to her sweet and caring husband, how could he talk so crassly with her. No, she thought furiously wiping her face, who does he think he is, talking to her however he wants.

She should've slapped him hard, who does that man think he is, and all of this when she told him she was pregnant.

And even if there was any misunderstanding, or if she made any mistake he still had absolutely no right being so utterly disrespectful.

Meher thought about leaving the house but it was 1 a.m. and hence, not safe to go out. She thought about it for a while, she would take a leave from her job and go to her house for a few days.

She could think about the future later. Deciding so she went to sleep.

It was a restless night indeed.


Meher woke up the next day, and would've forgotten about the events that took place the previous night, had she not felt the swelling and pain in her eyes from crying too much.

She forced herself to get out of the bed and freshen up. She was going back home, she was not going to stay here and tolerate being insulted by that man. She would go back, her parents would support her, she knows that.

Just as she had that thought her phone started ringing,

"Mumma, hello"

"Betu, hello how are you and Asad? Yesterday only your aunt and uncle came home with your cousins, they kept asking about you and your husband.

I was so happy, I told them all the anecdotes you told me, of course those that I remembered"

Saying so she laughed. Meher could do nothing else other than give a fake chuckle.

"I and your abbu told you na, you should atleast listen to us once. Now look Asad treats you so well, and you are so happy. What could a parent want other than their child's happiness......... "

And on and on she went leaving Meher absolutely no opportunity to tell her problems, and slowly the thought of leaving started disappearing from her mind.

Yes, she should talk with Asad, communication is the key, she should make it work. She's not a child anymore, she should compromise.

The thoughts that never would've entered her mind in the past kept circulating.

Hence, Meher began waiting for Asad to come back home as he had already left for work.

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