20. The Return

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Man, it is so good to be back in Nashville.

Dad picked me up and took me to my parents house for dinner. Although I was tired I was grateful for the hot food and the company. London felt a little lonely. 

When Dad drops me off at home I think about texting Freddie. He did tell me to get in touch when I'm home and it's Wednesday night so he's not usually out at the bar with the guys. I don't think. 

But I am tired. Very tired and I'm back at work tomorrow so I should get some sleep. I doubt that Freddie would want to come over just to see me, just to chat or even just to fall asleep together. 

My mind goes back to waking up in his arms. He actually stayed the night. He fell asleep with me. I'm not an idiot though, I'm aware it was probably by accident but still, it was nice. It was more than nice. He also didn't seem to freak out as much as I expected he would. 

I missed Freddie while I was away. I thought about him all the time and it was an awful reminder about how it's going to feel when he goes back home. 

I have a quick shower and get into bed, my phone pinging just as I'm getting settled. My heart skips thinking it might be Freddie. We didn't text each other while I was in London.

It's Piper. My heart drops a little. 

'Welcome back home! Do you want to meet for lunch tomorrow?'

I text back to confirm with a place and a time. 

If Piper knows I'm back, does Freddie? 

I stare at my phone a little longer, willing it to ring but nothing else happens so I give up and get snuggled into bed, the exhaustion of the past few days and the long flight catch up with me quickly and I'm asleep within five minutes. 


"Tell me all about London" Piper beams at me, taking a big bite from her burger. 

"Pretty boring" I reply, picking at my fries.

"No good bands?" 

I shrug, "They were OK."

Piper nods.

"How's the album going?" I change the subject from me, I'm not in a great mood today.

"Good, there's only one more song to do then I think we'll be done"

"Oh?" I try not to act too surprised.

"Yeah, I think the guys are keen to get back" she adds.


"Well, Jack, Noah and Cory are. They are missing their partners now and I know how that feels"

"And Freddie?" I ask carefully.

Piper dabs at her mouth with a napkin and looks at me like she's trying to figure something out or read something that's printed all over my face, "I don't know what's going on with Freddie" she finally says.

I eat some more fries, hoping Piper will volunteer some more information. I don't want to look like I have a sudden interest in Freddie by asking too many questions. 

Luckily, Piper continues after a few moments, "He just doesn't seem himself lately"

"How so?" Fuck, I couldn't help it.

"I'm sure he's been hiding something. Finn is convinced it's a girl"

I almost choke on my water but manage to keep it together. 

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