13. The Fourth Of July

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I've felt shitty all week, ever since I left Daisy's apartment on Saturday I haven't been able to shift my bad mood. 

Although I hate the way I raised my voice with her I knew I needed to get through to her. Spending the night, going for breakfast....those seem like small things but they are small things that lead to something. Daisy and I agreed to just keep this sex. It worries me that she may want more, if not now then further down the line. I know I can't give her that. I'm also worried that she's now going to pull away from me and I'm not quite ready to let her go just yet. There's only a few weeks left of recording to do and after that I'll be gone. 

There has been no interaction between me and Daisy throughout the week. I know I should be the one to reach out first but I just can't bring myself to do it. Besides, I know I'm going to see Daisy today at her parents house. They are hosting a BBQ to celebrate 4th of July and there's no way I can get out of it, everyone is going. It's also serving as mini going away for Finn. He's leaving to shoot a new movie on Monday and will be gone a few months.

"What is with you?"


Piper's voice brings me out of my daze. We are sitting in a cab on the way to Finn's parents house and I'm staring out of the window with Piper sitting between myself and Finn.

Noah, Jack and Cory are in another cab.

"You've been.....I don't know....distant all week" Piper continues, making me turn my head to look at her and shrug.


"Come on. You're usually a bundle of energy. You're always smiling. What's going on?" Piper has known me for so long, it's hard to hide anything from her but I have to hide this. 

I open my mouth to give her some made up excuse when Finn speaks, "It's a woman"

Finn is typing something on his phone and doesn't look up so it's hard to read his expression.

He doesn't know does he? No. How could he?

"What?" Piper gasps, her eyes wide and fixed on me.

I go to deny it but Finn cuts in again, this time he locks his phone and looks up to me, "Yeah....only a woman can cause that face" he points at me jokingly, "Am I right?"

I tilt my head. How am I supposed to respond to that? It's not like I can just tell him I'm fucking his little sister. 

"Freddie! Are you seeing someone?" Piper leans into Finn's side and assesses me. It makes me feel uneasy, like she can see right through me, like she knows.

"What? No, of course not" I defend.

Finn huffs and Piper raises her brows at me.

"I'm not! I don't have a girlfriend.....I'm not seeing anyone......you know that's not...." My head is shaking, "I don't do......that"

Finn shrugs and looks out of the window and Piper is just staring at me. Her eyes searching my face as if it's going to give something away. I feel uncomfortable under her scrutiny but I keep my face neutral.

"What?" I have to say when Piper doesn't relent. 

"Nothing" she quickly shakes her head and looks straight ahead.

I can't shake the feeling she knows something. Or she suspects something. There's something there I just don't know what it is. But she can't know anything. There's no way.

The rest of the car ride is silent but luckily we are almost there. 

I've been to this house before. A few years ago Piper dragged us here for Thanksgiving. It's where I first met Daisy. She was so different back then.

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