3. The Walk

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I exhale loudly, my back hitting the mattress underneath me.

"Wow!" The dark haired woman I picked up at the bar runs her fingers through her hair and splays out beside me while I remove the condom and throw it into the trash can nearby.

"I should get going" I sigh, sitting up and moving to find my clothes that were thrown on the floor earlier.

"Are you sure?" The woman, I really can't remember her name, says. She moves to her side and rests the side of her head on a propped up hand, "I was hoping for round two"

My boxers and jeans are back on and I pick up my t-shirt, "Sorry. I've got an early start in the morning so I should get going"

It's not a complete lie, I do have to be in the studio tomorrow but we'll be tracking mostly guitars so I don't need to do much.

"OK, well maybe I'll see you soon" I turn to look at her, I'm now fully clothed and I take a look at her fully naked body. She's confident. I like that.

"Maybe" I wink, leaning over the bed to quickly kiss her lips. Her eyes are full of lust when I pull away and I start to think about taking her up on her offer of round two.

No. I need to get back. I put my shoes on at the door and start walking. I could call a cab but I want to clear my head a little.

It's not long before my mind goes to a certain someone.

Was I really flirting with Daisy tonight?


I'll admit she looks different. Very different. I remember her as a scrawny teenager that wouldn't leave me alone.

Can two years really make that much of a difference?

It seemed so. I barely recognised her when she entered the room. She has more curves, more confidence and her face seemed.....brighter.

Her mousy blonde hair has been dyed blonde with hints of light pink when the light hits it. I wanted to pull it from the bun and watch it fall down her back.

All night I tried to resist going over to her, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

In the end I gave in, I had to speak to her. It would be weird if I didn't right?

I don't think she even saw me approach. The sound of Daisy's soft giggle pulled me in, the small smile on her lips was fascinating.  I just had to know what put it there.

She jumped a little when I spoke, and when those big, blue eyes met mine my mouth went dry.

My comment about Daisy walking down the aisle before Finn was a way to get her to reveal whether or not she had a boyfriend. She didn't confirm or deny but her reaction made me think she didn't and I don't know why, but that pleased me.

Watching her drink from her beer bottle made me hyper focused on her mouth.

Daisy really is all grown up, just like she said and I can't believe I made that comment.

I had to get out of there, jumping into an Uber to the bar with the sole intention of finding someone I can forget about Daisy with.

It's been a long day, I was horny and tired. That's all it was. I just needed a good fuck. If I see Daisy again I'm confident it wont be the same as tonight.

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