First Day

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Amara's pov:

I'm munching on my pancakes, sitting in front of the principle as he just analyses me. I raise an eyebrow. Why is he not saying anything?

"It's you first day Amara, what happened?" He shakes his head. He takes of his glasses and cleans them and puts them on his head. He doesn't really look surprised though, probably because he has my crimal record, oh and did I mention my school reports?

Well because he has those too. I've always had good grades, other then english. The only thing wrong with my school reports is the fact that it has my attendance records and all the dumb shit I did at my old school.

So yeah you know... bummer.

"He didn't know how to take no as an answer." I answer vaguely. He just stares like he gets what I'm saying and sighs, "Since you had a decent reason, and it's your fist day I'm going to let you off on a warning."

I just nod but I'm grateful that he's giving me a warning. He's weird, I probably look like a bitch with my blank face, but somehow he knows that I'm grateful. He just nods with a small smile.

"And I'll give Dylan a detention." The principle finishes, and waves me out, "One more thing Amara," I stop and turn around and lean on his door way, "I don't want to see you in my office unless it's a good thing, okay."

I nod "I'll try not to sir, but no promises." I wink he nods and I walk out, still munching on my pancake.

The three musketeers are waiting for me once I step out.

"So?" Alex asks, "Warning." I answer. He nods and we start walking together with the other two behind us.

"You know you looked total bad ass punching Dylan, I'm going to be honest it was super hot, you are now my idol." Max rushes out. I like Max, he rambles a lot but I don't mind it.

"Thanks." I smirk at him. Atlas mumbles something under his breath.

"What was that?" I stop and look at him.

"I said you didn't look bad ass, and that your punch looked weak." He snarles.

"Weak..." I stop and stare at him. "I'll show you weak." I step forward but Alex steps infront of me and shakes his head. I huff.

What is his problem!

"Class?" Alex asks. I nod, "English," I turn around and start walking with Alex, Max says bye and him and dick face walk the other way.

"Same... what teacher?" Alex looks at my timetable. "Mrs. Whitelaw." Alex nods. "I'm in a different class but your with Max." I nod.

Alex and I are good friends but we don't like talking a lot. We love to talk but sometimes we aren't in the mood like right now, how we are using one worded answers.

He drops me off at my class and I'm late considering the principle thing and then talking to the boys and then walking across the campus to my class.

I open the door and stand in the doorway as the teacher glares at me. "Who are you?" The old lady glares.

"My names Amara, I'm the new student." I try not to glare back, I my be a bitch but I'm not rude, I'm polite atleast to my elders.

She nods her head, "Don't be late again." She says, I nod and sit next to Max, who was making a big show of pointing to the free seat next to him.

Max started explaining what we had to do this lesson, it was pretty chill. We just had to know are partner since this is the person I have to work with for the rest of the year.

We started asking questions he answered them all with full answers but me I answered in one worded answers.

I learnt his favourite color, food, movie, show, stuff like that, and he learnt the same stuff about me.

"What's your full name?" Max asks.

"Amara Camila." I leave out my last name on purpose. "No middle name." Max smiles a lot. "I do Camila is my middle name, and no you don't get to know my last name." I shut him down before he can even ask.

Max frowns "Ok my name is Max Levi Davis, boring I know." Max rolls his eyes, I smile slightly. It's my turns to ask a question.

"How did you get sent here?" I'm curious he doesn't look like he could hurt a fly. Max's frowns, "You don't have to answer." I shake my head.

"No it's fine, um, I'm gay." I raise an eyebrow, he puases and looks at me, like he's waiting for me to yell at him. I don't obviously.

"Okay and.." I ask confused why that has to do with getting sent here. He looks relieved. "So you don't mind?" I shake my head no, and then he smiles and continues on with his story.

"I told my parents and they didn't take it well and started ignoring me and that hurt a lot and started hanging around the wrong crowds and started partying with alcohol and drugs, got into fights, parents found out got sent here. I'm not an aggressive person any more, I was just angry." Max concludes his story.

"Your strong Max, I hope you know that, and that it was there loss, because I think your a great guy." I smile at Max. Everything I said was true and I meant it.

He smiles and hugs me, I glare at him and he let's go quickly. I smile.


English with Mrs Whitelaw - Max

Maths with Mr Thompson - Atlas


Good behaviours with Mrs Lewis - Alex and Atlas

Science with Mr Mac - Max and Atlas


History with Mr Dan - All three boys

Sport with Mr Harris - Alex / Art with Mrs Jay - Atlas

The last subject swaps
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday the day ends on Art and Tuesday and Thursday the day ends on sport.

All love, from yours truly💗

Made For Eachotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें