Fuck Up

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Amara's pov:

Banging my head on the wall behind me, because I'm still in the holding cell. Officer Matty told me he called my parents and said there will be here in five minutes... that was twenty minutes ago.

They probably forgot me... again. I swear I wasn't always like this, I was a good girl once upon a time.

"Well since your parents aren't going to be here for awhile" Officer Matty came into the holding cell and unlocked my cuffs that were cuffed to the chair. I stand up and rub my wrists.

"Thank you, Matty" I smile politely, and follow him to his little office. Matty is my favourite, he gets me. I sit in front of his desk while he sits in his usual sit.

"Why do you look like that?" I Frown at his guilt, he doesn't look guilty from an un- observant person but to me, I can basically smell it coming off him. He has neutral face, but he's tapping his foot and isn't making eye contact with me.

"I have bad news, news that your definitely not going to like." He looked guilty, he knows I don't like sympathy so i guess guilt is the next best thing.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"Since you have so many warnings, and times you should of ended up in Juvenile detention but your parents paid your way out of it, you have two options." He said it so quickly with out taking a breath, and I thought he was about to explode.

"What are the two options?" I get a little frustrated because he's not getting to the point. I hate it when people do this and I think he saw it on my face because he quickly rushes the answer out.

"We've already told you parents these options and they've chosen for you. The two options were you going to Juvenile detention or a boarding school in California called the East River a school for troubled teens. It's in California"

Troubled teens... I rolled my eyes. That is just a lie it's for bat shit crazy people.

"So what did they choose?" I crossed my fingers they said Juvenile detention. I would rather go there then to a boarding school. I know that's weird but I just hate school, let alone a boarding school.

It's going to be full of snobby rich dicks and bitches.

"They're sending you to the boarding school." I just stared at him. God fucking damn it. Of course they did.

I just sat in the chair with my teeth and fists clenched. Your probably thinking they chose the boarding school because they don't want to see me in Juvenile detention, but you don't know my parents like I do.

They choose the boarding school because of their reputation, they can't have people knowing that their only daughter is in Juvie.

Also I bet they sent me to the boarding school so they don't have to visit me, since I will be in another state. I live in New York so you know it's a fair distance to always visit your kid.

Just then the creators of me barged in like they own the place.

"We've already done all the paper work that's why we are late. Amara let's go." Lie there late because they did the devils tango, gross. There hair is neatly messy and they're slightly puffed out and lastly there eyes a slightly dilated. If you didn't know them like I do then you would think they are at there neatest, but there at there messiest.

"I thought you guys were to old to do stuff like that." I grimaced.

"You don't get the right to talk right now." I heard her unspoken words through the look in her eyes, You never get the right to talk.

My mum said in a deathly calm tone, normally dad talks but the way his jaw is clenched and his green eyes are glaring at me, I know I'm in deep shit.

I stood up and nodded at officer Matty as a goodbye and walked behind my parents. I got in the car. The car ride home was silent. When we got the gates of the mansion I sadly live in, a butler opens my door, I nod with a small smile as a thank you, I get out the car and once again follow my parents inside.

I may be a bitch but I have manners, I can't stand people without manners. I understand if they don't deserve manners, then don't give it to them but if they've done nothing wrong, then that's when I hate you. It's one of the reasons I don't like my parents.

Don't get me wrong I'm extremely grateful for the money I grew up in and I am grateful for the mansion but it just isn't home, it will never be. I would rather be poor and have a loving family then be rich with this family.

You're probably wondering how we have a mansion and all these nice cars, buttlers and well it's because my family owns a massive company called The La Rosa's Industries.

The La Rosa's Industries is split into two parts fashion and technology, mum runs the fashion side and dad runs the technology side. So we are rich rich.

Anyway back to where I am now. Sitting in my dads office with my parents stand infront of me yelling there heads of. Saying the same old speech of how disappointed they are in me, and how they have to pay for my new school, like I choose that option.

I'm not showing any interest in this conversation like always, but it seems that they lost there last marble, because the yell louder, there faces are red.

I get I'm not the easiest kid to parent but it's not like they tried, there also not the easiest parents to have but I still tried to love them. I roll my eyes.  Shouldn't have done that.

"I WILL NOT HAVE A FUCK UP AS A KID!" My dad yells, and that's the bit that catches my attention I normally dont get angry I'm always calm and collected so I know exactly what to say to make the opponent snap, but today I snapped.

"Maybe I'm a fuck up because of you two" I stand up and point at the two of them, venom lacing my voice, even though I didn't raise my voice.

"Have you ever thought of that," I raise my voice slightly. "Maybe I'm a fuck up because you two are fucked up paren-"


My head turned to the side. I held my cheek and look at my dad. Your probably wondering why aren't you crying or even shocked?

"I'm going to go pack, since I'm leaving tomorrow." I say with venom dripping from every word I said. I glare at both of them and walk out the office slamming the door behind me.

"Stupid parents" I mumble.

"Sis are you ok?" My little brother Theo asks. "I heard yelling."

I smile at him and shake my head, atleast I have my little sunshine.

"Of course I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I walk over to him and pick him up as I carry him to my room.

"Because you have a red mark on your cheek." I take a deep breath. He doesn't know are parents are bad he thinks there the best parents ever, and he think that because I protect him from them.

"What are you doing up anyway it is way past you bed time." I avoid that conversation, and it's true it's 2:00 am. No time for a 6 year old to be up.

"Because of the yelling" I feel guilty and frown.

"Sorry buddy." I place him on my bed and he goes under the covers and closes his eyes as I start to pack quietly, as I hum him a song to help him fall asleep.

"Why are you packing?" Theo yawns. I abruptly stopped humming.

I tell him everything just except why I'm going to a boarding school and the fact its a boarding school for troubled teens. He doesn't know what I do in my free time and it's going to stay like that. By the end he starts crying. I sit on the bed with him and cuddle him. I soothingly run my fingers through my sunshines hair.

"I'm leaving in the afternoon so how about we have a siblings get togother before I leave?" I suggest.

"Ok." Theo sniffles and it breaks my heart. Theo is more like my kid then my parents son so it hurts when he's sad, especially when I'm the cause.

"Let's go to bed." I say shutting my eyes. Maybe my parents are right...

I'm a fuck up.

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