Chapter 10

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Inspector Reed returned to the lounge. His mind was ablaze with newfound clarity. As he surveyed the room, his eyes fell upon a cobalt lowball glass sitting on a nearby table. Without hesitation, he plucked it up, weighing it in his hand for a moment as he assessed its significance.

With a sudden burst of determination, Reed tossed the glass to the ground, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the room like a gunshot. The pieces scattered across the floor like a firework in the sky, each fragment a piece of the puzzle he was determined to solve.

As he sifted through the debris, Reed's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that the key to solving the mystery of Spencer Leaf's murder lay hidden somewhere within the confines of the mansion, and he was determined to uncover it, no matter what obstacles stood in his way.

With each piece of glass he selected, Reed felt himself drawing closer to the truth. He could sense that they were on the brink of a breakthrough, and he was more determined than ever to see justice served.

After carefully collecting the shattered pieces of glass and placing them into an evidence bag, Inspector Reed made his way back to where Chief Stewart and Detective James were waiting. His steps were purposeful; his mind focused on the task at hand.

As he approached, Reed could see the questioning looks on Stewart's and James' faces, no doubt wondering about the sudden commotion in the lounge. Without preamble, Reed held up the evidence bag containing the broken glass, his expression serious.

"I believe this may hold a crucial piece of evidence," Reed announced, his voice firm as he handed the bag to James.

James took the evidence bag, his curiosity piqued. "What is it?" he asked, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

Reed's lips formed a determined line as he explained his theory. "The shattered glass may provide us with valuable clues about what transpired in the moments leading up to Spencer Leaf's murder," he elaborated.

As Inspector Reed stood by the crackling fire in the study, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames, he exuded an air of quiet intensity. The other members of the gathering—Alexander, Jessica, Edmond, and Elizabeth—filed into the room, accompanied by Chief Stewart and Detective James. Their faces were a mix of curiosity and apprehension as they took in the scene before them.

Reed turned to face the group, his expression unreadable as he addressed them. "Thank you all for gathering here," he began, his voice steady. "I believe we are on the brink of a breakthrough in the investigation into Spencer Leaf's murder."

The assembled guests exchanged uneasy glances, their attention fully captured by Reed's words. They had sensed the tension building since his abrupt request for them to convene in the study, and now they awaited his next move with bated breath.

Reed paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing. "Each of you has been instrumental in helping us piece together the events leading up to that fateful night," he continued, his voice cutting through the silence of the room.

"Now," Reed said, his tone taking on a note of determination, "I believe we have uncovered a crucial piece of evidence that may shed light on the truth."

With that, Reed lifted the bag of shimmering cobalt—to the group. As they did so, Reed's eyes swept over the faces of the gathered individuals, searching for any sign of reaction.

As the tension in the room reached its peak, Inspector Reed took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto each person in turn as he prepared to make his announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying a weight that seemed to fill the entire room, "I have reason to believe that the events of the night of Spencer Leaf's demise were not limited to just his tragic death."

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