Chapter 3

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As Inspector Reed awaited the arrival of Spencer Leaf's oldest friend, Edmond Grant, he reflected on the significance of their relationship. Edmond's influence on Spencer's life was undeniable. He had been there from Talky's inception and continued to contribute to Spencer's success, even after their college years.

When Edmond entered the lounge, Inspector Reed noted the air of familiarity surrounding him, a testament to the bond he shared with Spencer Leaf. With his commanding presence, Edmond effortlessly captured everyone's attention. His confident stride and friendly smile were a testament to the wealth of experience he had acquired while navigating the intricate world of social media startups.

"Mr. Grant, thank you for joining us," Inspector Reed greeted him, extending a hand in welcome.

Edmond shook the inspector's hand firmly, his gaze meeting Reed's with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Of course, Inspector. Anything I can do to help," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

As the interview began, Inspector Reed delved into the history of Edmond's friendship with Spencer Leaf, probing for insights into their dynamic and the role Edmond had played in Spencer's life and career. Edmond spoke fondly of their college days, recounting the long hours they spent brainstorming ideas for Talky and the countless late-night conversations that had fueled their dreams of success.

"Spencer was always full of ideas," Edmond remarked, a nostalgic smile playing at the corners of his lips. "He had this innate ability to see the potential in things, to envision a future where social media could connect people in ways we'd never imagined."

Inspector Reed listened intently, absorbing every detail as Edmond shared his memories of Spencer Leaf. It was clear that their friendship ran deep, transcending the boundaries of time and distance.

As Inspector Reed observed Edmond Grant, he couldn't help but notice the aura of confidence and charisma that surrounded him. Edmond carried himself with a natural grace. His movements were fluid and purposeful, hinting at the self-assurance born from years of navigating the cutthroat world of startups.

Tall and lean, with a well-groomed beard framing his chiseled jawline, Edmond possessed the rugged good looks of a man accustomed to commanding attention. He carefully styled his dark hair, and his piercing blue eyes sparkled with intense intelligence that warred with his laid-back demeanor.

Dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his lean physique, Edmond exuded effortless sophistication, a demonstration of his success and influence in the tech industry. Yet, beneath the polished exterior, there was a hint of vulnerability and a shadow of regret in his eyes. Was it guilt or merely from speaking of a past marked by triumphs and failures?

Inspector Reed noted the subtle nuances of Edmond's body language—the way he clasped his hands together, the slight furrow of his brow—as he spoke of his friendship with Spencer Leaf. Edmond's words were deep and sincere, and they resonated with the inspector on a fundamental level. But there was also a guardedness to Edmond's demeanor, a reluctance to fully open up about the events leading up to Spencer's death. Inspector Reed sensed that there were secrets lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered, and he was determined to understand the mystery.

As the conversation turned to more recent events, Inspector Reed probed for any clues that might shed light on Spencer Leaf's murder. Edmond's demeanor shifted slightly, his expression growing more guarded as he spoke of the days leading up to Spencer's death.

"We had spoken little in recent years," Edmond admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "But I knew something was off. Spencer seemed... distracted, almost haunted, as if he were wrestling with his own demons."

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