10 flowers

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The words stuck to you like super glue.
You liked him too, but love was hard to express in that moment.

You might have had a face expression that made Kirishima understand.

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back... I just didn't want to miss another opportunity."

He said with a smile as he reached for you, pacing you back on your back.

"I'm going to call the doctors." He said about to stand up you reached out your arm for his.

You paused when connection was touched, you froze a bit confused why you did that.


It felt so weird, shuddering, stutters, pauses?


He called your name so softly, you wanted to just reach for a hug from him. You just wanted the sense of safety that you were missing, the sense of.... Love.

"I don't, uhm. I don't want to be alone right now..."

You muttered a lot of it but you got to see his face soften and reach down to your face, he gave you a peck on the fore head and told you that he would be back soon, just going to tell the nurses that you woke up so they could treat you.

He left the room leaving you to Akio, you turned your body to the couch seeing your sweet boy asleep.

"Akio, mommy is awake." You said softly in a tone.

Akio opened his eyes, rising and blinked a couple times before a shock filled him.

Than the tears fell, a lot of them.


He ran to your bed side trying to get on the bed, you couldn't reach him well from your energy so you lowered yourself closer to him. He was crying saying he was so worried. You hugged him as half of your body was off the bed ignoring the sharp pain on your sides. You kissed him all over to make him feel better. Akio was very much a physical touch boy. He loved hugs and kisses from you more than your own food sometimes.

"Ms. l/N."

The doctor knocked on the door as you lifted your head.

"We are glad to see you awake, any pains or discomfort we should know of before any tests?"


The doctors told you that you had to stay in the hospital for another day because you broke a rib, luckily it wasn't too damaged where surgery was needed but a belt of sort for limited movement when breathing or laughing. You knew that it would be a lot longer because you were out for 3 days.

Dynamite and Muse was over handing over flower bouquets to you, saying how worried they were, okay maybe not as much Dynamite but muse was very worried.

She noticed that after the text she didn't see you at the cafe either.

She gave amazing flowers with her husbands. You were going to have a garden at this point.

You thanked them and asked to take Akio for a play date, since you didn't want him to just be stuck in a hospitals with screaming kids and sick people around. Akio would be bored and you knew that you could trust them.

After they took Akio and saying good bye you saw Kirishima walk in.

He had a light smile handing over another bouquet of flowers.

Our Hero // Eijiro Kirishima x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum