8 customers

136 6 0

You placed the tray of brownies on the counter. It was hot but you had mitts on so nothing too bad other than warmth.

You took a step back and let the kids come close by and smell the brownies.

"WOAHHH YUMMMY! I want one!"

You smiled at Hina and looked around for a knife to cut the brownies with. You walked towards the drawer of knifes all organized and clean. You picked out one you were pretty comfortable with and walked towards the tray again.

The first cut was smooth, it was nice and wasn't too hard either it was just perfect.  You chopped
the brownies into 2 columns and 4 rows.

8 in total


After you said bye to Hina, Akio ran around pulling chairs in while you got ready to sweep the floors.

Cleaning was important and keeping the place tidy for more costumers were even more important.

You walked the same path with Akio and noticed how Akio was more quite. Maybe he was tired?

"Akio you okay?"
You asked leaning your head towards your son.

"Oh- uhm yea."

That was out of character.

Finally the door was reached and you opened the door to the comforting place called home. You were off for the next day so you could clean and maybe sleep in a bit. It was a Sunday so good for rest day.

Akio on that night just seemed very odd.


You turned your head to him with a confused smile.

"Yes Akio?"

He stood fidgeting with his finger nails, not picking at them but grazed over them.
He took a breath in and let out a light sigh before talking.

"Mama..I won't see Hina no more?"

You were stunned.
You didn't know what to say, and didn't want to make a false promise either.

"Maybe she will visit us Akio, it's okay we can wait."


The door bell chimes notifying you.
You were alone this time, it was exam season and you already felt the emotional stress built up in the cafe. A co worker was going to come in an hour so you held put. You're quirk was something you use for help, at least people online were talking about.


You looked up as you cleaned the counter with a wet cloth.

A grin appeared on your face and she leaned towards the counter more.

"Hi Hina! How are you? And your friends?..!"

You saw 7 other people.
Red riot, Dynamite, a female beside Dynamite with locked in hands?

Yes there is another fanfic with him!!! :D)

Then the pro hero Pinky, and oh-? Shinso with a girl... hmm.

Your mom took care of a kid a little bit when you were in middle school and became friends with the said boy.

Then finally Charger bolt with his glasses.
People do not lie of him being a flirt that's for sure. Even his sweet demeanour had a bit of a side for a flirt. He had a cute face yes, but not your type per say.

Our Hero // Eijiro Kirishima x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن