2nd vist

293 11 2

It has been about a week.
Well a week since you saw the pro hero red riot, the same one little Akio wanted to see every time he was with you at work. "Kiripima coming?" The seasons around the corner for halloween, October a great month, the month Akio was born. October 22. A day that he could get his own cookies and came baked by you. You got better with cartoon version of Akio and always loved how he smiled over a big meal for him. Going out to eat and going to the park where he can play around. Akio has to go to school soon. You were worried when he did some parents find out he doesn't have a father. Like some places, mothers and parents can be very judgmental. Can even say that you got divorced or said you were a teen mom. Lots things can come out their mouths that others believe. You knew they aren't true but what if others did,  Akio doesn't deserve any of the bad attention from those parents and kids. Who knows what those parents tell their Children.

"Ma Ma! Karipima!"


"Hey buddy! How are you doing little man?"

Holy cow.

It was red riot. He came back?

"Good evening, could I get one strawberry smoothie?" Red riot asked pulling his wallet out in his regular clothes.

He had one of those brown turtle necks and had more lose black pants, his hair was down and he had it in a small low pony tail.

"Oh, of course anything else?" You ringed it up on the cash register and he tapped his card on the screen.

"Oh! Red riot- that's $20 tip- you ordered a $7 drink!"

You were confused, shocked, just surprised how big the tip was for a $7 drink and if there was a mis click.

"Oh I know! Haha, I just wanted to thank you from last week and also just loved the jelly filled donut too!" Red riot said with a chuckle grinning at you.

Dear lord.

"You're too kind thank you! It is a lot thank you so much."
You smiled trying not to sound to thankful but also thankful? You start making the strawberry smoothie hearing Akio giggling in the background with who you guess Red riot.

"Strawberry smoothie!"
You slightly yell from the counter.

Red riot walks to the counter with Akio in his arms. Akio clinging to red riots arm.
"Thank you!" Red Riot thanked you

"No problem." You replied smiling. "Akio should we let Red riot drink alone?" You squat down to your sons height.

"No!" Akio grabbed onto the pro hero's leg holding onto him as if he was going to fall. Cut chubby arms gripping on to his favourite pro hero.
"It's okay really! Akio is nice company to be with! Would you like to join us?" Red riot asked living Akio up to his lap. "I-I mean if you are okay with that of course! I mean you are working so maybe if you are free! Like right now it seems fine haha! For Akio of course! Hehe..." Red riot rambled on ending with an awkward fake laugh. It wasn't that red riot was uncomfortable, but you were on the job and maybe someone might take this the wrong way! What if your husband- wait.

'I don't see a ring? Maybe she's taken.'

You took a breath in, did Red riot really ask you that? Maybe for your son. "I would but I have some things to bake still, Those cheese sausage bread won't make them selves." You replied laughing it off at the end. You kiss Akio on the check and smiled at him, "be good for Red riot okay Akio?" Akio nods excitedly holding onto Red Riot giggling. You said bye leaving to the back, putting the sausages through a machine to cut. After that you pulled out the dough and weighted each. You wouldn't be doing this usually, but the prep team had Brocken up. 2 members left for personal reasons and the other member said that they were very Ill with their child included so she couldn't prep for us.

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