Atlas: Touch

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My hand cramped from how much I had been filling the empty pages of what my journal had missed out on. I wasn't sure how much time I had, considering the fact that Pansy was still asleep. Luckily I was able to transfigure a wood shard into a small pocket watch, the only thing that I wasn't able to do was figure out what time it was in the day, thankfully I could see how many minutes passed by with each entry. 

Speaking of, peering down at the small watch, it seems that almost two hours have passed since Pansy fell into a deep sleep. I was not about to take a chance with waiting for students to come in the dorms in order for Pansy to head to class before Death Eaters get to us first. 

Opening my mouth to yell at her to wake up, I stopped myself, remembering that we are not in the same situation as we once were. Even though there is a silencing charm on the room, one could never be too safe. 


I whispered, nudging her ever so lightly so she wouldn't wake in a fuzz.

Pansy moaned, turning her body to face away from me. I let out a huff of frustration.

"Pansy, wake up-"

"I'm up! I'm up!"

She frantically shot up out of bed almost as if her subconscious mind had to give her a reminder of where she was.

"How long was I asleep for?"

She yawned before throwing off the comforter of the bed and hopping to her feet. 

"Almost two hours."

Her eyes widened and her brain seemed to flip a switch to turbo mode. 

"Why didn't you wake me earlier Malia?!"

Pansy spoke, scrambling to get herself ready for classes.

"I didn't want to wake you! Besides, I wanted to write..."

She stopped everything she was doing, slouching at the last comment I made.

"Amalia, darling,"

She calmly said, clasping her hands together.


Admittedly I bit my lip to stop a laugh from escaping. She was right, I should be more aware of this but I just needed to write, some things were left out from lack of time. 

"I'm going to class. If I see Mattheo anywhere, I will find out everything I can."

Her tone darkened with fear, she tried to cover it up, I could tell, but her fear overpowered her courage. 

I nodded reluctantly. Approaching the door to leave, she stayed in place, her hand hovering over the handle. 

"Do not open the door or leave, do you promise me that, no matter what happens."

A knot formed in my throat, threatening to bring a waterfall to my eyes if I even dared to verbally respond to her.

Without a response from me, Pansy darted towards me, engulfing me in a hug that was meant for soldiers to give their loved ones before heading to battle, that there might be a chance they will not come back home. I grabbed her with equal strength, before parting, Pansy planted a kiss on my left cheek, which I gladly returned.

"Okay, okay, let's act like we are going to see each other okay?"

Pansy laughed through a few tears that seemed to appear during our embrace. 

"Right, right, okay, well, I am off to learn quite literally nothing."

Now it was my turn to laugh through a few miscellaneous tears. 

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