Don't Trust Me

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"Come on Malia, this is the first party of the year, get up and get dressed!"

Pansy Parkinson yells as she grabs me by my feet to try and pull me off my bed. I quickly grab onto the steel poles on my headboard refusing to let go.

"Leave me alone!"

I mumble into my pillow. She lets go of my legs with a sigh of defeat. I smile to myself and let my grip loose. In one swift motion i'm thrown off of my bed and land on the other side of the dorm. Taken aback I stand up to find Pansy with her wand drawn smiling.


She puts her wand away with an innocent look on her face. I roll my eyes and head back to my bed but Pansy doesn't let that slide.

"You're coming out tonight whether you like it or not."

She steps in front of me blocking my way. I throw my arms up and give her a pout.

"Don't even try that, get dressed, and take a shot."
Pansy forces a fire whiskey shot down my throat which brings tears to my eyes. I cough trying to regain my breath as she walks away laughing.

"I can't go Pansy, you know what's happened before I tried to get into these parties."

Pansy gives me a reassuring smile and pulls me into a hug.

"I know but think about this, no one is going to recognize you and will be able to tell you no, I mean you got hot."

She wasn't wrong, I definitely did hit puberty a bit later than the rest of my peers. I also learned to take care of myself by getting rid of my acne and taming my unruly mess of curls on my head.


"Oh that looks quite nice."

I say to myself as I put the final sock in my bright pink lace bra. I can now say I'm a proud D cup. I flash a smile in the mirror before quickly shutting my mouth to not look at the horrendous train tracks on my teeth.

"Oi! What did they not have any bathrooms at the orphanage!? Open up!"

Theodore Nott pounding on my bathroom door.

"Leave me alone Theodore I'm almost done."

I smirk to myself as I adjust the socks in my bra to not look so lumpy, he hates his full name.

Without warning the door flies open and I am frozen in fear staring at the faces in the mirror.

"Merlin's beard!"

Laughter erupts from the boys in the door frame.

"There's no way you think anyone would believe that's real!"

Draco says grabbing a sock from my bra and throwing it at Blaise who gagged. Tears swell in my eyes as they pointed and laughed.

"You guys are assholes."

Mattheo Riddle gave me a sad smile and closed the door in front of them leaving me in the same exact spot I was before.

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