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"Fucking asshole."

I hold myself as I make my way up to the castle, slipping in the mud as my bare wet feet carry me up the steep hill.

As I see the entrance to the castle I make my way to every bush, stopping at each one so I don't run into Filch.

Finally I step foot in the castle and dart my way to the dungeons. I could not risk anyone seeing me like this.

I pant as my frozen legs come to a halt at the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room.

I daintily make my way to the stairs when I hear a voice.

"You should consider sitting by the fire for a while."

My heels dig into the ground as I come to a complete stop. My blood boils as I slowly let go of myself.

"You think I want to be anywhere near you after what you just did?"

I hissed at Theo as I made my way towards him.

Setting down his half empty glass of firewood whiskey, where he obtained it, I'm not sure.

He promptly sat up straight, as if to hear me better.

"You are a completely and utter piece of shit."

Now Theo was standing up, eye to eye with me, chest to chest.

God I wanted to punch him square in the nose. Suddenly his hand tightly grips my wrist and he throws me backwards, landing me on the couch by the fire.

"I said sit, you're going to get sick."

He said as he went to turn his back on me.

"Are you mental? I've never listened to you before and I don't plan on doing it ever!"

I stomp my way to the stairs only to be pulled back once more, this time by the back of my neck, slamming me against the brick wall causing me to moan in pain.

Our faces were closer than ever and I could feel his chest breathing heavily in anger.

I try to escape his grasp he moves his hand to the bottom of my chin, forcing me to stay in place and look him in the eyes.

"I'm trying to help, now sit down before you get hurt."

Throwing me, yet again, by my neck I land on the couch. This time I don't get up or fight him.

Why is he like this?

I hug myself as I turn my attention to the fire next to me, watching it, trying to ignore the heavy breathing man standing a few feet in front of me.

A few minutes go by and I guess Theo thought I decided to stay and with that he walked away without saying another word.

As soon as I can no longer see him, I touch my neck and wince at the bruises that are beginning to develop.

I brush over my jaw and neck to try and find other possible bruises he left. I ended up finding four more and decided I should probably get to my dorm since it was extremely late.

Dragging myself up the stairs, no longer cold, but drained. I make my way to my room and quietly open the door, tiptoeing towards the bathroom so I don't wake up Pansy.

Luckily she was in a deep sleep, you can tell because she snores like a cow.

Even though I did not feel up for it, I did my entire shower routine, I know I would feel better after.

I take off the soaking wet bra and panties and take a step into the shower.

Turning the knob towards the left I let the cold beads hit my body, I didn't mind it, it felt good against the bruises.

Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies to Lovers StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt