Je Te Laisserai Des Mots

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Theo and I awoke much earlier than the rest of the castle in anxious fit that someone might barge in his room at any given moment. I can tell by the sunken in sockets of Theo's eyes that he did not sleep a blink last night.

"You didn't sleep?"

I yawned, lifting my chin off of his chest to take in the man before me. 

He lay shirtless, drawing circles in my back with his free hand while his other hand lay beneath his head. He was tired, staring into the ceiling above, I couldn't tell if he was too tired to answer or lost in thought. Sighing, I drop my head onto his chest, letting the rhythmic beating of his heart soothe every ounce of worry that sat in my body.


Theo replied simply, I propped my head on my hands, awaiting for him to continue.

"I was scared someone might come and if anything were to happen to you again, I would never forgive myself, I still haven't since-"

"Darling, it's over, we're together, alright?"

I reassured him, my face softening and voice just as equal. 

My thumb caressed his cheek, to which he took in his big hands, promptly placing a soft kiss on my palm, then placing it back on his cheek. His eyes fluttered shut, just for a moment, then after, placing one more kiss on my palm, opening his eyes to meet mine.

There wasn't enough words to express the emotion that passed between us in that moment. We were bound together by a love that surpassed the hardships that had brought us to this point. And as we lay entwined in each other's arms, the weight of the world seemed to melt away, leaving only the warmth of our connection to sustain us.

I lay my head against him one final time, enjoying the pure silence amidst the madness that surrounded us. His heart beat picked up it's pace.

Is he having a panic attack?

Worry began to creep up on me, he has no reason for his heart rate to quicken in such a short amount of time. It was either he was going to have a panic attack or at this point, a heart attack. I opened my mouth to ask the age old question if he was alright, however, I was cut off by his serious demeanor. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sight in front of me. This did not look like a boy that was on the brink of a heart attack. Theo took my hands in his, his touch sending shivers down my spine as he traced the lines of my palms with his fingertips.


His voice was hoarse from the nerves that are begging to be released. 

"Yes? What is it?"

Before continuing on, he took in a sharp breath.

"Even when I pushed you away, even when I couldn't find the courage to admit my feelings, you never gave up on me. And for that, I am eternally grateful."

"Amalia, you are my everything," 

Theo declared, his voice raw with passion. 

"the world needs you, mi amore, but more importantly, I need you. Without you, I am but a hollow shell, a mere shadow of the man I am with you by my side,"

"And so, I make this solemn vow that if fate were ever to tear you from my grasp, I will embrace a lifetime of agony, for death would be a mercy compared to the pain of living without you. In life, in death, and even beyond, my love for you will go through, a beacon of light in the darkest of nights," 

He proclaimed.

"Death itself would tremble at the thought of separating us, for even in the afterlife, I would choose to suffer alongside you rather than live a single moment without you by my side. For you, my beloved Amalia, cara mia, I would endure an eternity of torment, for the alternative is a fate worse than death itself,"

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