If u Think I'm Pretty

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"Merlin, I need to start exercising."

I huffed, trying to collect myself at the door of potions. Lupin didn't give me a pass to excuse my tardiness, I didn't even think to ask him for a pass myself.


Opening the door to the classroom it was no surprise that everyone turned their heads towards me, as I had interrupted our professor. He was new, old, but new.

"Sorry sir, professor Lupin held me back for a word."

Walking towards the table with the only seat left, I was happy to see it was right where I wanted to be. Theo sat across from me, Mattheo to my left, and Crabbe seated in front of him. The cauldron's were already filling the classroom with different colors and smells since everyone had began their assignment already.

"Oh, that's no problem at all, your name?"

The professor had a look to him that one could compare to their grandfather, a stumpy jolly old man that one could simply trust with anything due to his looks.

"Amalia Zabini sir."

"Pleasure to meet you Amalia, I'm professor Slughorn as I was introduced last night."

He chuckled.

A slight blush brushed across my face as I remember dinner the night before with Theo's distraction.

"Right well, where was I? Oh! Amalia I do apologize for this, since everyone began to work on the potions they had picked from this list, lucky for you there is one left!"

Slughorn chuckled, bringing his classes up the bridge of his nose to read off the potion.

"Here it is-oh dear, erm"

He paused, nervous as to how Theo and I will react. Theo motioned him to continue with his hand.

"Draught of Living Death."

Whispers between my peers grew at my potion. This was one of the most difficult potions to make, I'm surprised Granger didn't fight anyone for it, in fact I'm pissed she didn't go for it.

"Well, you have outstanding's every year of potions so this should be easy!"

Slughorn's laugh was cut off by uncertainty.

"So, you may begin working on your assignment,"

This potion will be the death of me, it took almost all of my energy to stand up and head towards the ingredient cabinet. Slughorn met by my side, grabbing my hand that reached for the Valerian sprigs.

"I think it would be in your best interest if Theodore tutors you and helps with this potion as you attempted to make it four times last year and failed miserably according to Professor Snape."

He lowered his voice, giving me a troubled look. Yes, I was in advanced potions until that incident sent me back to my own grade. It's not my fault the stupid Sopophorous bean didn't want to be cut.

"Professor, if this has anything to do with me being late then I apologize, but I don't think I need Theo to be tutoring me."

"I understand your frustration, however Theodore is a gifted potions crafter, just look at him, he's nearly done with his assignment! Please Amalia, it would benefit you and I both."

He gave me a pleading smile, practically begging me to agree to be tutored.

"Okay sir, I will gladly have him tutor me."

I swallowed my pride, flashing a charming smile towards him.

"Tis' perfect! You and Theodore will take your time with a free period this afternoon to do your assignment!"

Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies to Lovers StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя