Night Shift

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as I languished in the confines of the Malfoy Manor's dungeon. The passage of time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment weighed down by the heavy burden of despair and isolation. The echoes of Theo's departure haunted me, a painful reminder of the love and companionship I had lost.

I paced the confines of my cell like a caged animal, my mind consumed by a maelstrom of anger and frustration. How could they continue to hold me prisoner, knowing that Voldemort had obtained the Elder Wand? The answer eluded me, buried beneath layers of deceit and treachery.

As the days stretched into weeks, I felt myself slipping further into madness. The walls of my prison closed in around me, their suffocating embrace a constant reminder of my captivity. I longed for freedom, for escape from the relentless torment that threatened to consume me whole.

As the shadows closed in around me, I clung to the memories of Theo's touch, the warmth of his embrace a distant echo in the recesses of my mind. His absence was a gaping wound, a festering reminder of the love we shared and the barriers that stood between us.And then, just when I thought I could bear the solitude no longer, Theo appeared before me once more. His presence was a balm to my weary soul, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to consume me.


I whisper, relief flooding through me like a tidal wave.

"I thought you wouldn't come back."


He murmured, his voice thick with grief.

"They... they killed Grindelwald."

The words struck me like a physical blow, stealing the breath from my lungs. Grindelwald, my grandfather, a man I had never known but whose blood flowed through my veins. His death left a void in my soul, a gaping wound that could never fully heal. How can you miss someone you never met? Why does it hurt so much? I hardly knew him.

Tears welled in my eyes as grief washed over me, a tidal wave of sorrow and loss.

"But why?"

I choked out, my voice raw with emotion.

"Why would they do such a thing?"

"Power, mi amore. It's always about power. Grindelwald was a threat to Voldemort's reign, and he couldn't risk anyone challenging his authority."

Theo's expression was pained as he struggled to find the right words.

The weight of Theo's words hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the cruelty that lurked within the hearts of men. In that moment, I felt the weight of my own helplessness, a pawn in a game of darkness and deceit.

A pawn.

As if a switched flipped in my head, the sadness was no longer present within me. My emotions fought like thunder and lightning to see which one can come forward faster. Anger, anger is winning. Anger and hurt churned within me, but beneath the surface, a part of me longed to understand, to find some semblance of solace in the chaos that engulfed us.

"Why, Theo?"

I whispered, my voice barely a breath against the suffocating silence of the dungeon.

"Why did you do it?"

His gaze faltered, guilt flickering in the depths of his eyes.

"I... I didn't have a choice, Amalia,"

Theo murmured, his voice laced with regret.

"My father... he made me do it."

The bitterness of his words stung, a harsh reminder of the cruel machinations that had torn us apart.

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