In My Room

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We waltz our way to the room of requirement and find, yet again no one there, or so we thought, out of thin air the same twin from the first challenge appears.

"Ah ladies, you brought friends."

He walks up to us smiling, normally most guys don't like it when girls bring guys to parties, or so Pansy told me.

"Don't be shy, come on in, drink as much as you please, and if you're going to smoke, go to the garden, thank you!"

He closes the door behind us and we are met with so many bodies in the room of requirement.

"Well, you heard the man, to the bar!"

Mattheo shouts over the music and leads us to the bar. We have to squeeze our way past multiple people to get to there but we finally made it.

"Hello good sir may I please have 1,2,3...6 shots of firewhiskey, make them a double."

Mattheo smiles and turns to us but his smile completely drops when he sees all of us giving him a jaw dropping expression.

"What? We need to get fucked up, or at least I do to be able to say I attended a Gryffindor Hufflepuff party."

We laugh at his response and promptly take the shot. It was a mouthful for sure but burned in the best way possible.

I was still a little buzzed from early so two of these would have me feeling overly good.

"Say, Malia, you look extremely dashing tonight, any reason why?"

Mattheo grins at me with mischief in his voice. I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Well all the girls look dashing, I just wanted to fit in."

Signaling the Gryffindor bartender to get another round. A little snort comes from Mattheo and I playfully hit his arm.

"Um, ow!"

He pretends that he's hurt and rubs his arm.

"Shut up Mattheo."

I laugh shoving him slightly.

"No seriously, who are you wearing that for because that is a 'I'm ready to make love to you' dress."

My jaw drops as I couldn't even fathom what he had just said.

"For the record, Pansy told me to wear this okay?"

Replying back, handing him one of the shots the Gryffindor placed in front of us.

"No I didn't."

Pansy yells before taking her shot and running away so I couldn't say anything else. Mattheo gives me a glance and smiles.

I smile back and throw the shot down my throat.

"Alright, I should be set for the night."

I was about to leave the bar when Mattheo grabbed my wrist and made a pouty face.

"Ugh, fine one more!"


I am overly drunk.

I let the music make me dance the way it wanted me to.

Surprisingly the music was really good, it seemed as though the other identical ginger from earlier was in charge of switching each vinyl.

Mattheo and I twirled each other and dipped one another, laughter between us was the only noises escaping our mouths, that was until a firm hand gripped Mattheo's shoulder causing him to turn in the direction of the hand.

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