A new life

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Since Nora brought him back to her home, Leviathan has kept his distance from her and her family. For some strange reason, he felt a sense of resentment towards her.

All he could remember from the day before, she was dragging him through the ocean and bringing him to her family home.

As he swam through the coral reef, he was deep in thought; reminiscing on all of the memories of his past.

Mara would make him his favorite food for lunch. She read him tales of great adventure. She gosipped with him as he got older.

Where was she now? Why wasn't he with her?

He couldn't remember when she disappeared. That's what hurt him the most. He doesn't even have a way to find her.

As he swam, he didn't look up from the ground.

Suddenly, he banged into someone.

"Oh my gods! I'm so so sorry!"

In front of him was a shorter merman with dark brown hair, dark skin, a yellow tail, and shining purple eyes.

"Uh... it's ok. " Leviathan could feel his face getting warm. He doesn't recall this emotion and starts to think he's sick.

"Here, let me help you up," the other lent a hand out.

Leviathan took it cautiously and pulled himself up.

"Uh... thank you?" Leviathan didn't recall having any friends before, unsure how to act.

"I'm Atlas," Atlas put out his hand again.

"Leviathan," he was unsure of what to do. Without thinking, he tapped Atlas' hand with his own.

"Um, you were meant to shake it,"

"Oh!" Leviathan proceeded to vigorously shake the other's hand.

"You haven't done this before, have you?"

Leviathan looked down and shook his head.

"Well! Mister Leviathan, I can help with that! I'm kinda good with people,"

He nodded violently.

"Alright, let's go!"

Mer AU! The Cursed Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें