What would you do?

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After Leviathan patched himself up, Nora couldn't help but stare at the bandage with a deep sense of guilt. She felt at fault for his injury because she was the one who got him talking to her.

Suddenly, a haunting thought came to her mind.

"Leviathan, how...old are you?" He didn't look that old but was probably older than her.

"17, I think..." Leviathan had gotten quiet after the incident.

"You think?"

"Mara doesn't do birthdays, I guess... Kinda lost track..."

Nora couldn't believe what she was hearing. Mara treated a child as a prisoner. All she wanted to do was get out and beat the shit out of a God.

"What would you do if you... you know we'ren't in here?"

The question took Leviathan off guard. Out of all the prisoners Mara had made him take, this one was especially kind to him. No cursing him out for taking her or anything.

"I'm not sure..."

Leviathan started to feel uncomfortable with all of the possibilities in his head and decided to change the subject.

"I don't think I ever got your name...?"

"Oh! That's right! I'm Nora."

"It means light. Right? When I was younger... You know what, never mind."

"No, go on!" Nora insisted.

"Mara would tell me old stories about the sun and the moon forming an eclipse. She told me it takes someone with the strength of the moon to defeat the sun. That's when she trained me to be a soldier, servant, whatever she wanted..."

It dawned on Nora that Mara had never let him have dreams of his own. When she was younger, her dad would tell her that she was whatever she wanted to be. He and her clearly had very different childhoods...

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