"What is it?" Uranus asked, shifting on his tilted axis to properly look at the other.

"It's silly, really." Earth scoffed, averting his gaze to the stars below them.

"Nothing's sillier than that guy over there." Uranus gestured his rings towards Neptune, who was twirling the canvas around.

Earth laughed, shivering from the cold, "It's just that- I don't want to go alone... ugh, even saying it aloud makes me sound pathetic."

"You're not pathetic." Uranus assured, "Far from it, actually."

"Are you going to try to lecture me now?"

"Am I supposed to?"

"Please don't- I get enough from Jupiter."

"Oh, well-" Uranus contemplated what to say, knowing that one wrong word would make the Earth hate him for all eternity, "What you're feeling is normal."

"Normal? How is it normal to feel so... useless?" Earth drifted away from the Ice Giant.

"Because it's what makes us... us." Uranus cleared his mind, taking a deep breath as he shifted forms, "It's what makes us Celestials. We can do this thanks to millions of years of evolution, and thanks to your earthlings, we have stuff such as technology and board games, and even your little card game."

"What are you saying, Uranus?" Earth asked, turning towards him.

"I'm saying we're not that different from your earthlings, mate."

The Earth hummed, eyeing Uranus' Celestial form before shifting to his form. His eyes diverted to his watery hands, clutching them slowly as he felt the tips of them burning with frostbite.

"Come on," Uranus moved forward, slowly putting a hand on Earth's shoulder, "We need to get you out of here."

Earth nodded, his core filled with regret for yelling at Jupiter and Luna. The Gas Giant must've had a reason for keeping it a secret from him.

'For millions of years, though? Are you really that stupid, Earth?'

He frowned, turning away from Uranus as he drifted forward.

"Hey, Neptune- you coming?" Uranus called to his friend.

"Hm~ Oh, no! I have a lot of things to get done with, cousin! You go on without me!" The other blue planet grinned.

"What kind of things?"

"Uuuhhhh... look- for Guillermo, of course!" Neptune blinked one eye at a time before slowly drifting away into the Kuiper belt.

"Okay? Have fun with that, mate!" Uranus called after him before catching up to the Earth.

It was quiet as the duo made their way across the zones, Uranus glancing the Earth's way a few times, trying to figure out what to say.

"Hey," Earth spoke, making Uranus startle at the sudden voice cutting through the atmosphere, "I have a question."

"Oh- sure, go ahead, mate."

"Your tilt... do you know how you got that way?" Earth finally looked at Uranus.

"My tilt...?" Uranus uttered, looking down, "That's..."

"Right, it's personal. I totally get it- you don't have to answer that." Earth shook his sphere, scratching at his neck.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting that kind of question coming from you of all planets."

Earth frowned, stopping just before Jupiter's orbit, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, I just meant I didn't expect such a deep and personal question coming from you- I expected Jupiter or maybe even Mars to ask me a question like that."

"I can't be serious, is what you're saying." Earth crossed his arms, quirking an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that!" Uranus waved his hands, "I'm not saying you can't- you're just more likely to..."

"What? Not take things seriously? I'm more likely to mock others and crack jokes?" Earth huffed.

Uranus couldn't find the words to respond, instead averting his gaze as his hands balled up.

"Thanks for taking me this far, Uranus. I got it from here." Earth turned his back on the other, "See you around, I guess."

Once the Celestial left, Uranus face-palmed with both hands, digging into his eyes, 'You're such an idiot, Uranus...'

» NOTE «

Another chapter? Why yes, yes it is. You guys deserve it :)

Thanks so much for the support (I've been in this fandom for 12 days now) <333

Comments are appreciated <3

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