Chapter 16: Videogames

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After bowling, we all walked outside. It was pretty late, about 11:30. The parking lot was almost empty, only our 5 cars were left spread out. The single source of light was from a distant street light, as the bowling arena had previously closed and we were kicked out, so the lights were off.

It had cooled down in the dark and the gusty winds gave me goosebumps. I rubbed my arms in an attempt to keep warm as the guys continued on a conversation. Nobody else seemed cold so I didn't say anything.

We all made a lot of noise like teenagers coming back from an awesome party. The type of people I hated when I was alone in my room trying to sleep while they were on the street yelling.

I was worried that we were attracting too much attention to ourselves this late, but the guys didn't seem to worry so I dismissed the thought.

We walked to the middle of the parking lot and stood in a semi circle, not wanting to say goodbye to each other.

"So you guys are coming to my hotel right?" Mini asked Vanoss and Nogla.

They both nodded.

"Yup. I just gotta find my laptop somewhere in my suitcase." Nogla said.

"What are you doing Parker?" I asked him, rubbing my arms. I suddenly felt the warmth of someone standing closely behind me.

"Are you cold?" Mini asked from behind me. I felt the guys eyes move to me as Craig acknowledged me.

"A little.." I didn't want him to feel obligated to warm me up or anything.

"We'll be leaving soon anyways." He puts an arm around me. I could feel the line of warmth from his arm and wished it was all over my body. I was still pretty cold, but it helped a bit.

"I think I'm gonna wait for my brother to come back with the car...even though he's probably drunk." His head lowered like he was ashamed. I didn't know his brother was a drunk. Well I guess he's the right age. I immediately felt bad for him.

"Why don't you come with us?" Vanoss asked him. I didn't realize it, but Evan was still wearing my hat. I didn't think too much of it, he looked cute in it anyways.

"I don't know..." He said unsurely, pulling out his phone. "I'll try to text him then."

I found myself looking at Wildcat and Basically a lot, incase this was my last time seeing them, I wanted to remember what they looked like in person.

"Well, see ya tomorrow," Wildcat waved and walked back to his car.

"See ya later man!" Mini called and I could feel the vibrations from his chest on my shoulder. He shifted to wave to him and I waved a small wave back, keeping my elbow by my side.

"Alright well I'm gonna get back to my hotel," Marcel walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"It was nice meeting you," I say quietly.
He was cold at first, but warmed up against my skin quickly.

"You too Jordan." He chuckled a bit as he tried to let go but I kept hanging on, not wanting to leave his warmth.

"Oh... Sorry," I started to let go, but he hung on this time.

"It's ok, I know... It's cold." He rubbed my back and we both let go this time.

"I ship it!" Marcel pointed at Craig as he walked away.

Craig and I laughed as he walked back to his car, reminding me of a sad movie.

I kinda felt bad for not saying anything to Tyler. I looked around the direction he walked in and spotted him unlocking his car and about to climb in.

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