Chapter 14: Bowling is Dangerous!

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*The song playing in the car, I actually really like this song*

It was a while before things started to die down and we finally decided to go bowling. It was getting dark as the sun set, but it was still warm.

Parker called his brother, Letting him know not to pick us up because we were going bowling.

"Alright guys, do you wanna pack up and head out?" Vanoss says, returning to the booth and putting his sunglasses on his head.

"Are we going bowling now?" Nogla asked, standing up from his chair and sounding excited.

"I guess,"

I heard David 'yay'.

Vanoss pushed his chair into the booth and grabbed a gray backpack that was resting against the white brick building.

"You're still coming right?" He asks me.

I nod. "Yup,"

"Cool," Vanoss smiles and continues flinging his backpack over his shoulders.

"Where'd Mini go?" Tyler asked, scratching his head as he put his sharpie down.

I look over at Marcel and he was looking down at his phone.

"Basically," I say, and he looks up from his phone.

"Hm?" He asks, his eyebrows high and his lips pressed together.

"Where did Mini go?" I step towards him, getting ready to tell him off if he made Craig leave.

"Oh, I think he said something about going to the washroom," He said casually as he looked back down at his phone, making me relax a bit that he didn't leave.

"We could meet him there..." Vanoss suggests.

I chew on my lip, contemplating whether we should leave him.

"I guess so," Nogla says before I can say anything, like usual.

"So, where's your car?" Vanoss asks me and Parker.

"It's with my brother," Parker says shrugging.

Vanoss starts walking towards the street and I follow behind slowly, not wanting to leave Craig.

"That's alright, you can ride with me," Vanoss doesn't look back and continues walking towards a parked car on the road.

I begin to stop walking and look back at the building as Marcel walks past me.

"Uh, I think I'll just wait for Mini," I say loudly and look at the building.

"He'll come later, it's fine," Tyler says, looking back from his phone.

"No, I'll ride with him so he's not lonely," I cross my arms and sit in my hip.

I didn't mind if he was lonely, but I just didn't want him not to show up. This night can't end with him being sad because of what Marcel said. We didn't even make out anyways.

"I can wait with you," Nogla says, turning around and walking back to me.

"I'm okay," I shake my head.

"I'll keep you company," He smiles, being friendly.

"Alright, if you want to." I shrug and look around the building.

I watch as the other guys take off in their cars, leaving Nogla and Me alone.

There was a bit of silence between us. All I could hear were the cars zooming past, and people talking loudly. I could smell hotdogs from a hotdog stand down the street, making my stomach growl a bit.

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