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Drapetomania: (n.) An overwhelming urge to run away.

Seoul, South Korea
20th March, 2024
8:44 p.m.

Lifeless, motionless his husband surrounded by a quartet of Surgeons, each one of them were running back and forth between the premises of the operation theatre, Joshua has pressed himself on the glass wall which separated him from the white-gray room.

His eyes felt as if they were burning, set on fire , a fire which ignited the fear of loosing the love of his life, his sweet creature, the man who had packed a token of love for him everyday on his way to work, the man who had vowed to be with him even after the doomsday.

Joshua looked down at his hands covered with maroon, his hands were Shrivering the blood on his hand had now dried but the feeling of terror, the the gruesome scene of seokmin laying in torment, bathed in his own blood withering in pain,still his eyes held so much love for joshua so much love that joshua felt scared, suffocated did he even deserve it his husband is on his deathbed and it's all his fault,if it just he would have been there with him. If.

Joshua slipped down on the cold floor turning his back to the glass wall, staring at his hands, the bloody appearance of his hands, his shirt,the metalic smell suffocating him , his white shirt was no different from his hands. Joshua eyes burned more , the salty water in his eyes trying to escape but he held it together he couldn't cry right now he needed to be strong for his husband he needed to be on his toes to make sure seokmin has all the type of help he could need.

All the memories of the life they had made together pervaded his mind all he could see infront of his eyes was seokmin's face the first time he saw him, seokmin when they first interacted, seokmin when they first went on a date, seokmin when he first time he kissed him, seokmin's eyes, seokmin's nose, seokmin's lips, seokmin's blush, seokmin, seokmin, seokmin, seokmin, seokmin, seokmin, seokmin, seokmin, SEOKMIN.

Joshua looked at the Platinum band now covered in red , the diamond craving of his husband's initial shining through it just like his husband, his minnie IS such a sunshine, he IS a sweetheart, Joshua's sweetheart.

"Sir, we've got the culprit" Yeonjun, his assistant , the young man was very proficient, he had been with joshua for four years now. Without looking up to answer him joshua in a monotonous voice commanded him "keep him lock inside the cell, I'll see him Myself"
"But sir-" before Yeonjun could even reason out Joshua gave him a grave look making Yeonjun tongue tied and nod, joshua with his blood covered hands gestured the younger to leave.

Yeonjun looked at his boss with a concerned gaze, he knew how the cold-blooded man infront of him was feeling, even though joshua tried to mask off his fear , it was still evident in his eyes the fearing of loosing his husband who was fighting for his life "I'll stay here" and even before Joshua could deny him Yeonjun ran off shouting that he'll bring him a cup of coffee.

Joshua sighed, he looked down at his hands , then with his periphery vision beyond the glass wall , his heart sting , he closed his eyes trying to calm down his breathing , clenching his fist a painful groan left his throat. He again slipped back into the time when everything seemed alright.

Seoul, South Korea
19th March, 2024
8:10 a.m.

The sizzle of the bacon echoed through the kitchen, seokmin while humming a song rambled around the kitchen a small smile lingering on his face , ding the oven timer went off. Seokmin carefully with the help of the mitten took out the fresh bread he had doughed. Joshua loved the homemade garlic-olive Mediterranean bread especially made by him and seokmin loved baking for him.

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