Chapter 12

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Charlottes POV:

It was my weekend with mine and Ryan's child. Admiration was on my face as I watched how good Mia was with her. It made me like her all the more. "Mia come play with me!" I heard her cry and Mia ran after. When she finally caught up to her I noticed how Mia gently picked her up lying her down and gently tickling her on her foot. I laughed just looking at the little smile on her face. "Ok I think it's time for bed" I laughed. Her smile quickly turned to annoyance "Mia tell her to let me stay up" she said in a baby voice. More laughter came at the tone she'd used. "I think whatever your mum wants is best" Mia told her looking at me for approval. I nodded a smirk on my face as I picked her up placing her on the bed she was staying in.

I'd decided that when she stayed with us I'd bunk with Mia. Well Mia had sorta offered and I'd agreed. "When she's gone tomorrow wanna go out for drinks" Mia whispered in my ear as we sat on the couch. My head was rested in her lap as she gently messed my hair up. I nod. "I'd like that" a smile spreads across my face. "Having her here makes me want to have our own kids even more" Mia kissed my forehead. I nod in agreement. "Is Ryan coming here to collect her or are we going to drop her off?" Mia asks me.

"Coming here" I mutter. Before I can say another word everything goes black.

Mia's POV:

Charlotte fell asleep with her head rest on my lap and not wanting to wake her I had decided to sleep on the couch that night. I also woke up early than her and was stroking her cheeks when she woke up "morning sleepy head" I laugh. She blinks a few times looking around before realisation that she'd slept on the couch registered on her face. "Morning Mia" she kisses me softly checking the time. It was 10:00am. Ryan should be here any minute now. Just as these thoughts cross my mind a knock sounds on the door and Charlotte jumps up to answer me following closely behind "hey babe" I hear his deep voice. Anger fills me and my face is flushed red as I make my way to the door. "I'll go get her" I whisper in charlottes ear giving her a protective kiss and taking in her ex husbands facial expression. His face is neutral. Charlotte had told me he was good at hiding his emotions. "Sweetie it's time to go home" I whisper into charlottes child's ear. Her eyes open and I notice her sadness "please I want to stay with you guys" I tell her we'll see her soon but tears come to her face.

"One second" I whisper as she continues to cry. I nearly fall down the stairs as I'm in such a rush. Ryan has Charlotte pinned against the wall. I notice how she wriggles trying to get free. "Char I need you for a second" I glare at Ryan who glares back. Charlotte rushes away leaving me and Ryan alone for a split second "she's my wife she's only with you because I made one mistake she'll come back to me soon enough" he snarls venom in his voice. I don't even reply as I rush upstairs.

Charlotte Is sat on the bed with her child on her lap talking in a reassuring voice but she doesn't stop crying "I want to stay with you" she repeats adamant that she stay here. Charlotte bites her lip "I'll see what I can do" she goes downstairs. Ryan's leaning against the door frame tapping his foot impatiently. "Ryan is it alright if I have full custody?" Charlotte starts. Ryan rolls his eyes shaking his head. Charlotte continues pleading. I watch as he half considers it "why?" He finally questions her. She tells him what their daughter is now doing and he breathes out a sigh. "It's fine for now" he rolls one eye as he leaves. "We'll need a babysitter if we're going out for drinks tonight tho" I tell Charlotte not wanting to give up date night.

She nods considering who we'd get to babysit. "Autumn" we both say simultaneously ringing her up. "Hey Aut!" I hear Charlotte say into the phone. She then asks if autumn would babysit and I hear autumns reply since she shouts it in an excited tone "I'd love to!"

Charlottes POV;

Later that night I throw on my favourite blue dress matching it with curled hair and the usual makeup. I then match the dress with a pair of silver heels. I hear Mia talking at the door and know it must be autumn. "Wow you look beautiful!" Autumn exclaims pulling me in for a hug. Mia just stares. "Mummy you look so pretty!" I pick my daughter up as she runs to me. "Thank you sweetie now this is autumn she's going to mind you for a few hours" my daughters eyes go to autumn. I hand her over to autumn hoping she doesn't cry like she has with babysitters in the past but she sits with a smile on her face in autumns eyes. Autumn smiles. "Enjoy your night" she winks at me as I pass but Mia being ahead of me didn't see the subtle wink.

We sit in the car my hand going to Mia's thigh as she drives like always. We arrive at the usual bar going in. "What do you want" Mia whispers in my ear. I smile at her thoughtfulness. "Uh I'll have a vodka please" I tell her. First she finds a table pulling out the chair for me to sit. She can be so sweet sometimes.

Mia's POV:

I wanted to ask Charlotte to be my girlfriend today. That's why I was being sweet to her. Not only that but it was also her birthday tomorrow and I got her a few special gifts I had put in my handbag to give to her later in the night.

I come back to the table with two vodkas placing one in front of Charlotte. As we both sip on the vodka we talk about absolutely everything. "Char" I had finally decided the moment I was going for ask her since it was the one moment I felt the courage. I was just praying she'd say "yes Mia?" She says in her sweet voice. I swallow "will you be my girlfriend?" Charlotte laughs. "I noticed you were nervous I just didn't think it was over something this silly of course I will" she gets up to hug me. A smile registers on my face. I can finally call Charlotte my girlfriend. As she sits back down I pull out the first present. "I got you some birthday gifts" I whisper handing her the box. A surprised look is on her face "you remembered" I can tell she's happy about me remembering and not about the gifts. She likes the little things but I still thought I should get her something special. She opened it. I'd gotten her a heart shaped locket with a picture of us inside. Her mouth widened before meeting mine. As we pulled apart she muttered thanks. "That's not it" I pull out the second gift. A shocked look crosses her face. "A watch with the date we got together engraved? Mia you're so thoughtful thank you" she kisses me ever so gently.

The night flies by and soon we find ourselves going home. When we arrive autumn is sat on the couch on the phone with winter. We can tell by the way she speaks. She's flirting with him. "Hey autumn" she half jumps as looks up. "I got to go talk later" she says into the phone pressing the hang up button. "You two have a good night" she asks. We both nod. "We're official. Labels and everything" I tell her wanting to bump up and down. She pulls the two of us into a group hug telling us how happy she is for us as she leaves.

A happy ending for the story :) thanks for everyone who's been here through it all and I hope you enjoyed reading this whole story as much as I enjoyed writing it

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