Chapter 1

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Charlottes POV:

"Hi autumn what's up?" I was surprised when autumn had called for me saying she needed a word. I was confused as to what it could be about since I rarely even talked to autumn. She looked up as I walked in. "Oh yeah Charlotte take a seat" I sat in the chair opposite her. For some reason she was sat in Marjorie's seat but I didn't question it. "I'm really sorry I have to tell you this" her eyes were filled with sympathy. I had a confused yet curious look on my face as I waited for what she was about to tell me.

"Uh winter and I we went out drinking" she swallowed. I nod not knowing why she's telling me this "and we saw your husband there and we saw him kinda kissing um another girl I'm so sorry" her face was filled with sympathy as she finished. Tears filled my eyes "is it alright if I-" before I can finish she nods. "I thought this might happen so I already rang Reece. He said Mia would be over in a bit I'm so sorry Charlotte I hope everything goes well" she says kindly. I wipe the tears from eyes making sure that they're not blurry for when I'll be driving.

Mia's POV:

"Hey handsome you wanted to see me?" I walk into Reece's office. I'd taken a liking to calling him handsome whenever I saw him. It got on his nerves and I wasn't disappointed today "don't call me that Mia and you're wanted at the sister nursery. One of the staff had a family emergency. Toddler room. Marjorie's covering until you arrive" he says in a rush. I nod "see ya later handsome" I say as I leave with a smile.

I get into my car applying a bit of lip balm since my lips were dry before staring the car. About 5 minutes into my drive I feel myself lurch as I bump into another car. I hop out checking for any scratches and see that it was Charlotte in the other car. "Hey sweetheart" I notice her face is red and it's obvious she's been crying "you ok sweetheart?" I ask. Before she can answer she falls to the ground. I carry her over to the side of the road driving both the cars in out of the way of traffic. I contemplate calling an ambulance but right as I pick up my phone she wakes up struggling to breath "ok char take deep breaths. In out" I guide her. "Good girl" I get a bit worried when she still hasn't caught her breath but keep guiding her. Finally she gasps for air "why did you help me?" She asks me before I can ask her anything "I know I've done awful things in the past but I wouldn't leave someone having a panic attack in the middle of the strew collapsed to get run over" she nods. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong you seem pretty upset" I finally ask her.

She nods "oh yeah erm well my husband he" tears start falling down her cheeks. I pull her into a hurried hug rubbing her back whispering that everything will be ok. "So you were saying" I push for information. She nods "autumn saw my husband cheating on me and I've to go confront him now. He might get aggressive with me and I guess I was just scared and upset" I hear her say. I nod "listen do you want me to come? I can always tell Reece something came up and I can't cover. I don't want you to come back dead" I rub her shoulder. She nods. "Thanks I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mind that is?" I laugh "honey I wouldn't offer if I minded" we both hop into my car her telling me where to go finally arriving outside her house.

Charlotte hops out of the car ahead of me. She lets me into the house. Her house is nicely decorated with plenty of family pictures. In every single picture both her and her husband look happily married but that's about to end. "Ryan!" Charlotte calls up the stairs. That must be her husbands name. A man emerges a minute later. "Who's this" he smirks looking me up and down. I stifle an eye roll as he asks that while Charlotte says it doesn't matter. "We're over" she says giving no explanation. Ryan completely loses it "what do you mean we're over!? After all these years I've put-" she cuts him off. "You cheated on me Ryan you expect me to stay with you?" Charlotte challenges. Ryan pushes her to the ground hitting her multiple times across the head. I help Charlotte up bringing her to the car. She has a bump on her head, a few bruises and a large cut covered in blood across her arm but apart from that there's no injuries. I get a few plasters at a nearby shop helping Charlotte clean up the cut putting the plaster onto it. "You ok?" I ask her. She nods muttering that she's fine but I can tell she's shaken up. "Do you want to go back to work?" She nods in reply. I walk her to the office where autumns stood "Mia you were supposed to be here an hour ago" in all the commotion I'd forgotten to ring Reece. "Charlotte!" Autumn exclaims as Charlotte walks in a minute later hugging her.

"It's my fault she's late" Charlotte speaks up. Autumns squints her eyes in confusion as Charlotte exclaimed how she had a panic attack in the middle of the street and I helped her through it even offering to go to her husbands house. Autumn nods "that was very nice of you Mia" she says once Charlotte's done explaining. It's obvious she's surprised.

I had to do where her and her husband break up first or else where would the story go? I hope you enjoyed the first chapter :)

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