Ch. 15 April 21'2024 - Goblin who seeks sleep

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April 21, 2024

Dear Diary,


Today was one of those rare, comically unproductive days where I decided to embrace the art of doing absolutely nothing. From the moment I woke up (which, let's be honest, was closer to noon), to the second my head hit the pillow, I was on a mission to achieve peak laziness.

I spent the entire day in a blissful state of slumber, indulging in the sweet embrace of my cozy bed. Each time I contemplated getting up, the thought was swiftly dismissed by the siren call of sleep.

But it wasn't just about my personal sleep marathon. Oh no, I managed to sprinkle a bit of mischief into the mix by incessantly pestering my friend, let's call him Alex, with nonsensical messages and ridiculous memes. Poor guy didn't stand a chance against my relentless onslaught of silliness.

Meanwhile, another friend of mine, was off tackling a Japanese exam. As I lay there in my cocoon of blankets, I couldn't help but wonder if he had survived the ordeal or if he was still lost in a sea of kanji characters.

As the day lazily drifted by, I found myself contemplating the sheer absurdity of my existence. Is this what it means to be alive? To spend your days in a perpetual state of lethargy, punctuated only by moments of minor inconvenience and the occasional burst of hilarity?

And yet, despite the humor and the chaos, there lingers a sense of emptiness. A feeling that perhaps, beneath the laughter and the sleep-induced haze, my life lacks direction and purpose.

But for now, I'll simply drift off into the land of dreams, eager to see what new adventures await me in the turmoil of tomorrow.

Until then....



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