Ch. 10 April 06'2024 - Emptiness

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Dear Diary,

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions lately, and today was no different. Even though we managed to patch things up, the emptiness lingers. It's like something inside me has shifted, and I'm struggling to feel the same love as before. The fights of the last four days seem to have left a mark deeper than I expected.

Yesterday was just another long day. The routine of going to work, doing my tasks, and returning home felt like a never-ending cycle. I yearn for something more, something to break this monotony.

The desire for excitement led me to think about going for a track run. Maybe the rush of adrenaline would shake off this lingering feeling of emptiness. But then, I found myself re-watching "Hotel de Luna." There's something about that show that speaks to me. The supernatural elements, the characters finding purpose-it's like a balm for my soul.

As I watched, I couldn't help but wish for a sprinkle of magic in my life. Something to ignite the spark that seems to have dimmed. Maybe it's just a phase, and maybe tomorrow will bring a new perspective. But for now, I'll continue finding solace in the stories that transport me to another world, hoping to find the inspiration and motivation I desperately need.

Tomorrow is a new day, and who knows what it might bring.



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