Ch. 5 April 01'2024 - Another New Day

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Dear Dairy,


So, me and my boyfriend, we behave like gangsters who are trying to outwit each other with knives and stones, our conversation looks like one's trying to kill another, but instead of actual gangster stuff, we're just arguing over some trivial things. He wants me to wake him up in the morning since he finished his night shift job whereas I did not want to wake him up since he didn't sleep enough, but as stubborn as he is, he doesn't listen to me.

With time's flying by faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer. Speaking of cats, Cony and I got into a turf war today over who gets the prime spot on the couch. Long story short, I ended up flat face-on the floor, and now my thumb's swollen, big as a sausage.

It's so darn hot, I'm pretty sure I saw a squirrel fanning itself. I'm seriously considering moving to Antarctica with my choco chips and wifi. Yup, priorities.

And then there's this Korean language homework. I'm staring at these squiggly lines, trying to make sense of them. My brain's doing somersaults while my tongue's in a coma. But hey, I've got a deadline tomorrow, so here I am, channeling my inner speed demon to finish it.

Until tomorrow, when hopefully my thumb has deflated and I've cracked the Korean code. Adios for now!

Goodnight people 💓

Yours mischievously




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