Not really Sherlock related but...

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I watched Doctor Who last night and I thought it was a-maz-ig! I really liked it but I was thinking of all the people who are now scared of the internet because of it. Where can I watch all the episodes?

OH and!!!!!!! I am getting a AWESOME t-shirt with a drawing of Moriarty on the front with loads of his famous quotes on it :) :) :) I am so happy!! It also has 'Richard Brooke is a fake,' on the back in black writting. Oh money is a beautiful thing :D It just carries on my obsession. YAY! 

Any-ways I also found out when i was bored if you eat to many polo mints it gives you laxitive wich makes you need the toilet alot. So that got me reading the back of every packet incase it causes side effects. Please tell me this is normal. Okay yeah I update this ramble to much. Bye

The rambles of a Sherlockian :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt