Chapter 16

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Having employed the Celestial Cascade, many of the injured cultivators were healed, while numerous demons sustained injuries, greatly aiding the cultivator side

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Having employed the Celestial Cascade, many of the injured cultivators were healed, while numerous demons sustained injuries, greatly aiding the cultivator side. Only the highest-ranked demons, such as Zhang Wei, remained unscathed due to the Celestial Cascade.

"Tsk, it seems you have more up your sleeve than expected," Zhang Wei remarks as he continues his relentless assault. Utilizing the ability had greatly weakened her, a fact Yueting keenly felt as she clashed with Zhang Wei. With each slash, the battle seemed unending. Yueting's focus on Zhang Wei prevented her from noticing Meiyang sneaking up behind her once again. With a swift strike to her back, Meiyang inflicts a significant wound upon Yueting.

Fortunately, since it didn't damage her qi, the rain continued to fall and heal her. It hurt like hell, but due to the power she wielded, she didn't react much to it; it merely hindered her ability to fight.

"Hero!" Li Tiancheng yelled as he rushed forward, swiftly dispatching the demon he was engaged with to hold off Meiyang. "Thank you," Yueting responds, refocusing her attention on Zhang Wei. She hadn't yet seen Li Tiancheng fight, so she was uncertain how long he could hold Meiyang off. Meiyang was no joke; although she may not be specialized in anything, if Zhang Wei was her teacher in this world, then she had to possess at least a little strength.

Attacking Zhang Wei again, Yueting attempted fast strikes rather than powerful ones, hoping to catch him off guard. Zhang Wei was swift too, but since Yueting could wield both swords with one hand or control them separately, he stood no chance. Inflicting multiple cuts on different points, Yueting weakened Zhang Wei. "Ugh!" he moaned in pain. She had yet to deliver a fatal blow, but even her small cuts were potent enough to weaken him.

Stopping the Celestial Cascade, Yueting finally gets her chance to activate Shadowheart.

⌞Deactivating ability: Celestial Cascade⌝

⌞Activating ability: Shadowheart⌝

With that, long black hands emerged from the ground, crafted from shadow and sin. They seized Zhang Wei by his arms and legs. Despite his attempts to escape, Zhang Wei failed as the arms enveloped him.

Realizing that this was her chance to deliver the final blow, Yueting steeled herself for what needed to be done. With grim determination, she lowered her swords and extended her hand, channeling the power of the Shadowheart.

A massive black hand materialized before her, crackling with dark energy as it hurtled towards Zhang Wei. With unerring accuracy, it struck true, tearing through flesh and bone to claim his heart in one swift motion.

As the hand dissipated into wisps of shadow, leaving only Zhang Wei's lifeless heart lying on the ground, Yueting dared to hope that it was over. But her victory was short-lived as she heard the chilling sound of laughter echoing through the battlefield.

Coughing up blood, Zhang Wei falls to his knees. Thinking Yueting has finished her job, she turns around, only to hear laughter again. "HAHAHAAHSHAH! DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME THIS EASILY?" Turning to face Zhang Wei once more, Yueting's blood ran cold as she beheld the sight of the open wound in his chest slowly closing before her eyes. Despite the grievous injury, Zhang Wei's laughter rang out defiantly, a chilling reminder of his resilience and the depths of his power.

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